Pre workout food while cutting?


New member
Hey guys,

Im currenty on a low carb high protein diet.

Im loosing fat at a nice and steady rate but feel i am loosing a bit of muscle at the same time...not too much just a bit.

Stats are 180cm , 86kg , 12-13%bf.

My protein intake is about 250g a day 30g Carbs and 40g fats.

The meal that i am concerned with is my pre worout one, it usually consitts of a large chicken breast with steamed vegies or a salad...usually about an hr and a half before i train. (high protein low carb) for my question...

after reading abit about pre work out carbs and preserving muscle, id like to know what would be a good source of carbs before my training? ...if its a good idea ,in which i think it is.??

thanks for the help

at 30g of carbs a day, your flirting with ketosis, which is unecesary unless that is your goal. I recommend more. I am in nearing the end of my "cutting" phase, and i carb cycle...on my carbload days i take in 1000g of carbs, on my extremely low calorie days i take in 50-60g of carbs, which is almost double your daily intake.

oatmeal, brown rice rice, and sweet potatoes are all great sources of carbs pre workout.
im not a big fan of carbloading days as ive tried this before.

So would this be sufficient...say 30g or carbs (most pob oats) in the morning after doing my cardio.....and 30g pre workout (sweet potatoe)?