propecia+dbols cause bitch tits???


New member
my buddy recently started a test/dbol cycle(25mg/day..and 500mg/week). Hes takin propecia cause hes got thin hair. after three weeks on juice, he began noticing gyno. A guy at the gym told us...mixing dbols and propecia causes bitch tits and should never be taken together. Is there any truth behind that????any1 know anything about this matter?
i have never heard that but i would venture to say that its problly the test. he may be very sensative to gyno.
I take propecia, and did so when I was taking 20mg/day D-bol and 300mg/wk Test E. No problems here, and I am sensitive.
Abbyripper said:
my buddy recently started a test/dbol cycle(25mg/day..and 500mg/week). Hes takin propecia cause hes got thin hair. after three weeks on juice, he began noticing gyno. A guy at the gym told us...mixing dbols and propecia causes bitch tits and should never be taken together. Is there any truth behind that????any1 know anything about this matter?

in theory there should be truth to that. the combination sets a perfect environment for excess estrogen in the body. DHT levels are minimal when using propecia, so more receptor sites for estrogen.....and dbol aromatizes rapidally to estrogen. So I cn defenitally see how this could happen. He should drop propecia or atleast add nolvadex at 40mg a day asap. It would be great if he can add arimidex to that too.