Protein and gear revisited...


This is the day old much protein while on gear...i am on a cycle of omna and dbol favorite....anyhow....on the last cycle, i slammed the protein at a minimum of 2 grams per pound, and my results were good...this time i am at one gram per pound and i see the same results, but maybe a bit harder look on the same cycle....also, my last cycle i got 90% of my protein from shakes and drinks, now i have switched to 95% of my protein from food and the last 5% from supps such ad shakes and drinks...

the other issue i have found, is that while on, you are going to grow anyhow if train and, what is your perspective on the protein to gear ratio...i believe in 2 grams while off and training natural, but is it really necessary while on....

also, i have found that eating for the protein, my calories are better then they were while drinking for the protein from supps since most supps have low calories...unless you chug weight gainers all day, and i would be on the shitter all day if i got my 4000 calories from a bottle....

any input, i was going to post this elsewhere, but there is not a lot of activity in some of the other forums, also, this does have a fit here since it is a gear related issue also, but if you bros move it, thats cool also...

90% from shakes? I think you'd have to have a really goofball diet to honestly hit those kind of numbers, so I'm assuming your mistaken ;)

I dont seem to do too well honestly on low food intake with goodies, even naturally I like more than 1g per pound, and protein powder is almost none of my intake, once a day at most right now.
yeah 90% is a lot from shakes, but whatever works for you. I try to stay away from shakes at least as possible. I only drink them after training and whenever I am in a hurry.
I think you answered your own question.

I'd agree that you don't need 2g of protein per lbs. of bodyweight.

I think this misconception arose from BBs eating additional protein and then when they gain weight they mistakenly think it's from the protein and not simply the *increase in total daily calories*.

Please don't misunderstand me and think I'm down-playing the importance of protein though! Moreso than the sheer volume of protein, I think it's extremely important to maintain positive nitrogen balance by eating protein throughout the day. And there are plenty of people that wake up in the middle of the night to pound down a protein shake at 2 am.
I think 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight is extreme. There is no way I am going to pound 420 grams of protein. Personally there is no difference in me taking 400g of protein compared to 175 g of protein. I drink two shakes a day. I like to drink one when I wake up then one post workout. I try to get 3 chicken breast and 2 cans of tuna a day in no matter what. Its hard being on the run and trying to get 420 g of protein. I am bulking now but no matter what I always eat the chicken and tuna and whatever else I can fit.
On the 90% from shakes issue, on my last cycle, i drank 6 drinks at 40g protein each, that is 240 grams there alone, while at work, not including the other 50 i got after training from an extreme body, then home to eat a bunch of chicken breat, so if you think about it, 90% from shakes is not that difficult when you have to supplement due to not being in a position to eat all day...but, that left me skimping in the calorie department and carb dept...

i have found that eating the protein is even better on my system and i feel much better...

eastarr69 said:
On the 90% from shakes issue, on my last cycle, i drank 6 drinks at 40g protein each, that is 240 grams there alone, while at work, not including the other 50 i got after training from an extreme body, then home to eat a bunch of chicken breat, so if you think about it, 90% from shakes is not that difficult when you have to supplement due to not being in a position to eat all day

A chicken breast is roughly 33g protein, so even 1 chicken breast and you are already over 10% man, its a technicality but I'm trying to be, technical here :D

Even if you ate hot pockets youd be getting some protein, youd almost not have to eat to hit 90% via shakes.
I am with you bro...technically lets say then that i intook over 2 grams a pound while on the last cycle...
