Protein Digestion


New member
Does anyone know how many grams of protein can be digested by the body without being excreted by the kidneys in one sitting? Are there different cariable besides weight and sex that determin it?? BTW - I'm female, 140 lbs.

i'm digging this out of the recesses of my mind, so it may be slightly inaccurate.. but 40 tops i believe. ginger aids in increasing the digestion of protein, though.
Protein digestion is relevant to your body weight and size. Another factor is how long have you been on a high protein diet? Your body gradually gets more efficient at metabolising protein when it is presented in abundance in your system. For you I wouldn't go for more than 33 grams per 2-3 hrs. A good indicator if you are eating to much protein is gas. If your are experincing any of that that you have excess protein. Another indicator which is kind of gross, but true is your feces. If it floats, your body has absorbed all of the nutrients from your food. If it sinks you are consuming an excess of protein and / or carbs so the rest is being excreeted making your deposits heavy and they will sink.
Very good suggestions again Pipes.
as Sparkly also said, taking a 500mg cap of GingerRoot prior to your meals can lessen the effects of bloating and indigestion.
ive had gas/diahrrea for the past 3 weeks....does this mean im consuming excess protein?

thing is, ive been eating this way for almost half a year, then i took a month off, then when i started back 3 weeks ago, its started happening.
how many grams of protein are you eating/day? what is your current weight?
do you use alot of artifical sweetners in your diet?
i have a dietician friend who said i shouldnt be eating more then 112g of protein a day, im 6'2, 205lbs... but thats barely .5g per pound of body weight! she said that if taking in to much protein over a long time it can damage your liver or something... and anything over 112 for me would be just putting strain on my liver and being excreted with feces = ) so whats the deal with havnig a plan to do like 1.0 or 1.5g per pound of body weight?
err.. you mean kidneys, right? unless you have a condition, you'll be fine.

i'm not trying to ride you, but protein consumption is a basic concept here... if you don't have a clue about protein, you might as well throw your Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) in the garbage.

do a search. it's an oft covered topic.