Protein's effect on liver/ kidneys


New member
I read that you should consume at least 1.5% protein (grams) of you body weight. 200lbs BW = 300 grams.
Can this amount of protein have a negative impact on you liver or kidneys ?
Any opinions ?
yeh the liver has 2 work overtime 2 process it... thats y u gotta drinks heaps more water wen on high protein diet makes it easir 4 the body to handle..
rusty83 said:
yeh the liver has 2 work overtime 2 process it... thats y u gotta drinks heaps more water wen on high protein diet makes it easir 4 the body to handle..

well said and good input
Drink water and you will be fine.....Im sure its no worse than going out and getting drunk or least u get something out of it!