Purchase Peptides status?


New member
What is the current status of Purchase Peptides and what's the opinion of their current line of Peptides?

I'm considering 300mcg/1xday of CJC1295 in conjunction with 300mcg/1xday Mod-GRF and find $500 to be a lot more appealing to my wallet than $870. But not if it buys me bunk. Cycle length has yet to be determined, however, prices are predicated on a 6-month course under the assumption it should be run similar to GH.

This would be run in conjunction with my current, rather aggressive testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) protocol consisting of 500mgs Test Cyp/1x wk and 2IUs Omnitrope hGH/5x wk.

Note: I understand peptides to be legal in my area for personal use.
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Better off with product from SRC - would feel more comfortable with their quality control. Either company should deliver value on the mod GRF peptide. Run either GHRH, no need to run both - most would recommend dropping the more expensive CJC-1295 from the equation
run them both at 100mcgx3 a day would be better.

and running both has synergistic benefits.
eg; 1+1 doesnt = 2