Pure Velocity VS IDS Waxy Maize Starch


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This is IFBB Pro Art Atwoods replacement for all of the Waxy Maize Starches. This is NOT a Vitargo Replacement. I repeat, THIS IS NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR VITARGO. Now the Difference between with Pure Velocity versus regular waxy maize starch is that Velocity is agglomerated fractioned and hydrolyzed then dried. The molecular weight is much less. Basically it passes through you faster without the bloat.

Let me know what you think...

Here is what the label reads:

The "Designer" Carbohydrate war is Over!

Congratulations! You just made the best decision for your muscles and body. SUGAR FREE Pure Velocity is the most advanced carbohydrate loading and nutrient delivery product on the market today. Before, during and after your workout you want your carbohydrates IN the muscle, not in your stomach! After you workout, the most important aspect of recovery is DELIVERING vital nutrients to your muscle. Pure Velocity is the #1 product to get the job done. You've trained with fierce intensity and want the most out of your workout, right? Well don't cut your gains short by feeding your body with inferior carbohydrates and transportation systems! Pure Velocity is scientifically engineered with key macro-nutrients and utilizes advanced technology to make sure you get phenomenal gains in the gym and on the field.

Here are the key weapons that make Pure Velocity indestructible!
(Proprietary synergystic blend)
-Hydrolyzed & Fractionated Waxy Maize Starch.....

-Agglomerated Waxy Maize Starch.....

-Hydrolyzed Rice Syrup.........Ricetrin 35 is a specially modified rice syrup solid that is able to bypass digestion quickly and pull extrastitial fluids and nutrients into the muscles WITHOUT causing an insulin spike. Which is why pharmaceutical companies use it as a rehydration agent to combat certain acute and chronic illnesses.

-Glycerol Monosterate: Glycerol increases the concentration of fluid in the blood and tissues. Taking glycerol in supplemental form quickly improves hydration and the absorption of other supplements that are taken with it. The end result is faster delivery of nutrients when and where you need them the most and the prolonged "pump effect" during your workouts. Here is what glycerol monosterate gives you:
*Intracellular nutrient / electrolyte delivery
*Cell Volumization
During bodybuilding pre-contest phase, Glycerol is used to improve vascularity, muscle hardness, fullness, and density.
-Pyruvate: pyruvate enhances the transport of glucose and protein into muscle cells thereby boosting performance levels in exercise. It works by increasing amount of ATP available to the energy engines of cells, mitochondria, as well as inhibiting fat production. Pyruvate helps bodybuilders and athletes get toned, cut, and have more energy.
*Increase nutrient delivery
*Increase lean muscle mass
*train harder and more intense.
*Experience less fatigue
-Carbogen®: Carbogen works by converting complex carbohydrates into available energy. This exclusive enzymatic formula maximizes your body’s energy and endurance. And while you are working out, this clinically proven carb-converter also maintains 100% of your body’s Vo2 max longer by an incredible 43%! Carbogen decreases lactic acid levels by 275% within 30 minutes into your workout, resulting in less muscle soreness and faster recovery. Blast through your workouts, train like a maniac and recover quicker with carbogen!

All of the powerful ingredients that make up Pure velocity are synergystically designed to get the carbs and nutrients IN the muscle, where they belong!

Pure Velocity overall Benefits:
*Absorbed faster than dextrose and maltodextrin
*sugar free
*transports nutrients quickly into the bloodstream. Pure Velocity can be added to your favorite pre & post workout formula to double their effectiveness!
*can be used as an IDEAL pre-contest carbloader!Pure Velocity is Ideal for Super Muscle Glycogen loading!
*Pure Velocity uses the most Rapid Nutrient Transport Technology to FEED & GROW hungry muscle cells!

Plain and simple, the BEST thing you can do after your workout is drink Pure Velocity!

We formulated Pure Velocity with the athlete in mind. Pure Velocity was made wth integrity, quality, and delivers results!
PROFESSIONAL SUPPLEMENTS is the first AGAIN to bring such a powerful carbohydrate formula to the market. All the other companies will only try to follow us! Professional Supplements is always one step ahead. If you want true quality in your sports drink, count on Pure Velocity to delvier again and again.

That's great and all, but from what I've been seeing if there's something out there better than regular waxy maze true protein would be one of the first on top of it.
Ive trained with carb drinks for quite a while before I started training with this stack. Now I started with Professional Supplements Pure Vitargo and used that for about 4 months then I tried the IDS Waxy Maize.. Which in my opinion is COMPLETE SHIT. I tried IDS because it was so much cheaper.. I think i could have gotten better pumps off of corn starch from the grocery store. So I went back to Pure Vitargo.. Then I tried Velocity for 2 months and had never had such sick pumps or been as full. Now the 2 months I started taking Velocity I had started doing cardio for MARCH MADNESS!!! Which When I usually do cardio I will become extremely flat. So being really full while all of the training and cardio just amazes me. (my cardio consist of elliptical, treadmill incline, recumbent bicycle for 30-45min keeping my heart rate at 130-140 bpm (3 days on 1 day off, repeat))This is the stack that I usually use with my training:

5.3g Aminos = 1 Scoop of Koloseum Amino PreLoad (Koloseum.com)
37.5g Carbs = 1 Scoop of Velocity
1.5g Creatine = 1 Kre-Alkalyn Cap

10.2g Ajipure Aminos = 1 Scoop of Koloseum Amino Xpload
75g Carbs = 2 Scoops of Velocity
1.5g Creatine = 1 Kre-alkalyn Cap

11.3g Ajipure Aminos = 1 Scoop of Koloseum Amino Reload
56.25g Carbs = 1 1/2 Scoops of Velocity
1.5g Creatine = 1 Cap of Kre-Alkalyn

2 Scoops of Whey

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