Question about cycling


New member
Dear reader,

I'm not gonna lie to you guys. but yes I'm here just for help and what you think about my cycle. But first ofcourse some info.

I`m 16 years old, about 2/3months 17.
Lifting for 5 years (3,5/4 years serious)
Height: 1.74
Weight: 82 kg
Bodyfat: 11/12%

Diet of 4700kcal each day, 35/40/25 (protein/carbs/fat)

Training by a 4 day split (pretty basic)
monday chest/tricp
tuesday back/biceps
thursday shoulders/traps/hams
friday quads/calfs/forearms

Gained a lot all those years, and now i want to compete in november. The problem is, I am the youngest, and everybody uses.
It has been long in my mind to do a cycle, just to see the results, and to improve my training. And i think now I can. I have great ambitions in the BB word so.

I was in doubt of Anavar (var) (oxandrolone) of winstrol (stanzolol). Now i want to do a Anavar (var) cycle for 6 weeks.

Why i wan't to do this cycle:
Going on holiday with friends, want to cut down to 7/8% bodyfat without losing muscle. I don't drink, i do not smoke weed. (only bad thing is cigarettes).
Then after the holiday i want to keep my bf as low as possible and gain a few pounds before my contest prep.

Maybe in my prep i will use Anavar (var) again, harder looking, and cutting without the loss of muscle.

Week 1 / 6: 30mg Anavar (var) ed
week 6 / 7: 5mg nolvadex ed

1. U think the post cycle therapy (pct) is okay?
2. Is it smart to run a all-in-one cycle support for bloodpressure/liver (i smoke sigs to, so) I wan't to keep it as safe as possible
3. U think the choice of ana Anavar (var) is ok?
4. What can I use the best to prevent hairloss? Nobody can help me with that. Found something, but that blocks the ana Anavar (var) . (Don't remember the name, read it somewhere).

Please don't bash me because of my age, why not? I have serious ambitions, and I think this is healthier than sitting on the couch with doritos and a beer, and using drugs every fucking week.

Sorry if my post is a bit sloppy, i orginally do not speak english!

Tnx for the help guys.. I would appriciate
I thought already i would. But yeah, we will see...

Really want to win the contest, so there is no place for any muscle loss to be honest. Its my first, its the biggest one here for 'amateurs' and I just wanna win.
You're already on nature's steroids, no need to mess yourself up. Eat right and train hard, you have a loooooooooooooong way to go before you'll need AAS. :cum: Not the answer you're looking for, but it's true! :)
I know you need to eat and train hard, (sorry dont want to act like a dick but..) but i do that already for the past 4 years. And as I said, all my competition uses too, so..
And I thought your peak test level was 23/28.. But ok.

Anyway, i will listen to every answer, and will keep thinking about it, untill i know it for sure and know if its word the risk.. But can you guys do answer my questions? Than i can better weigh, will i do it or not.