Question about my test and dianabol cycle


New member
So two weeks ago I started my cycle that was 30mg dianabol for the first 4 weeks along with 500mg test prop a week for 10 weeks. I had to stop taking the test, but I would like to continue to take the dianabol at a higher dose for the rest of the 4 weeks. Since I stopped taking the test do I need to do pct now or can I wait until my last day of dianabol?
So two weeks ago I started my cycle that was 30mg dianabol for the first 4 weeks along with 500mg test prop a week for 10 weeks. I had to stop taking the test, but I would like to continue to take the dianabol at a higher dose for the rest of the 4 weeks. Since I stopped taking the test do I need to do pct now or can I wait until my last day of dianabol?

PCT comes after you stop any and al steroids.

What are your complete stats and history. Why do you have to stop the test? AND have you been taking an AI with this cycle. ?

Layout the complete cycle. Please

PS: you can't take Dbol by itself.
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this is my first cycle and I have not been taking an AI with this cycle. I had to stop taking the test due to living arrangements and me not being able to have syringes and such around for injecting. My cycle is 30mg dianabol everyday for for weeks along side 500mg test a week for 10 weeks. The PCT im using is clomid.
this is my first cycle and I have not been taking an AI with this cycle. I had to stop taking the test due to living arrangements and me not being able to have syringes and such around for injecting. My cycle is 30mg dianabol everyday for for weeks along side 500mg test a week for 10 weeks. The PCT im using is clomid.

So I take it , my guess is that you are young and live at home? Maybe?

Why didn't you post your stats age, ht , wt and some history?

Do you know anything about why you should be using an AI such as Arimidex? Have you any idea the Dbol is one of the most aromatizing compound out there and with that come severe side effects?
Have you done any research on Estrogen and Prolactin?

I'm not bashing you but asking?
So do you think that I can continue to use the Dbol for the next two weeks then do pct or do you think that I should just stop and start pct right now
Oral only cycles are for women only. If your not going to run test, stop and pct. All aas shut down your natural test production. Being male, you need test to function properly. Running dbol by itself will ruin you PERIOD! Considering your age and lack of knowledge, do pct and wait till your a bit older and more educated on gear...
Please Brandon I'm not bashing you. By your Q's and what you are proposing shows you have not done enough research. Never do an oral or like Dbol by itself. AND as tbone told you your body needs testosterone to function. THe Dbol will shut you down and then what is your body going to do with out exogenous Test because your body is not making it.

Tbone is right on and you need to wait till you are older and more educated. There is much more to using AAS safely then what you obviously know right now.
Good luck, stick around and don't take what I've said personally. :)