question on fat intake with CKD???


New member
Do you end up having to consume some Bad Fats during the day to make up all of the high fat intake your required to consume on the CKD???? My personal plan requires me to consume between 150g and 228g of fats a day depending on how many cals/lb/day I choose. I can't figure what to eat that would give this high total of fat grams without either consuming Bad Fats also/ or drinking a "LOT" of Udo's/Flax/Olive Oils??? Can anyone shed some light on this for me. Any "Specific" Foods To Mention Please??? THANKS!!!
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Thanks Frosty. I was reading on another site that it is " Not Good " to take in " A Lot " meaning ( Only) good fats/efa's, ie... Udo's, flax, olive oils ect... while on the CKD. It said you should have a mixture of fats, "including" saturated fats. Does this sound correct??? Because I could up the Udo's Oil intake and meet my fat grams intake with mainly good fats/efa's??? Which is the best way to go with the CKD??? Anyone?? Pro's?? Mod's?? HELP?? PLEASE??
budrau said:
Thanks Frosty. I was reading on another site that it is " Not Good " to take in " A Lot " meaning ( Only) good fats/efa's, ie... Udo's, flax, olive oils ect... while on the CKD. It said you should have a mixture of fats, "including" saturated fats. Does this sound correct??? Because I could up the Udo's Oil intake and meet my fat grams intake with mainly good fats/efa's??? Which is the best way to go with the CKD??? Anyone?? Pro's?? Mod's?? HELP?? PLEASE??

You DEFINITELY want to have the majority of your fats comming from animal sources. Saturated fat is not bad for you, and it plays a vital role in your body. When was the last time you heard about something bad for you causing testosterone to raise?

Generally speaking, saturated fat and mono fat should be about equal (since this is generally what's in meat). Having more saturated fat than mono is fine, and this can result from butter, milk, cream, coconut oil, etc.

But I wouldn't want polyunsaturated fat to be more than 10% of calories. Preferrably below 6% since it increases oxidative stress in the body.

I'm not too keen on Udo's oil anyway. It's not really that good. Cod liver oil is a much better oil. It has EPA and DHA (Udo's has NONE), and it is a concentrated source of vitamins A and D, which are very important and notoriously deficient in bodybuilding diets.