Question regarding my fat burning program while on a Cycle


New member
Hey there guys,

Its my first post around here, but I've been reading this forum quite a long time as a guest.
I'd like to ask something that really bothers me.

I've been gyming for 6 years now, but always quit during winter start again mid sprint till winter... back and forth... I like to eat as well, junk food and whatever else.
During those 6 years ive been into 6 different cycles including loads of different stuff. I've always looked good and healthy until september 2013 that I quited everything cause of a life issue.

I've been back to the Gym 2 months now but since i got back i found out I was sitting at 31% body fat 18 stones and I am 6.3 inches height. (Since I've done this before losing weight, focusing to the gym etc) I wasn't really worried, still ain't about losing my weight cause I know its going to come eventually.

What I actually wanted to ask users of this forum that definitely know 100% more things than me is:

Atm I am sitting at 28% body fat and 108kg, yes I lost 3% body fat in 3 weeks of training. (hopefully no muscle loss)

I am on 3 months cycle (already 3 weeks in) of HGH (alleyhg) 3ui/day, Win (desma, pills) 50mg/day, Test (Omnadren 250) 2ml/week. All of my products are original been tested against the sites at least hgh, and generally my source is very well trusted so I won't go into that.

I am training 6-7 days a week. I go to the gym twice a day. One time from 13:00 - 14:30 (weights only) and 17:30-18:00 (cardio, intens, abs). Usually I'll repeat my weight cycle so if I do Chest-arms on Monday I'll do it again on Thursday. (I am also lifting heavy, at least whatever I can, pushing myself to its maximum capacity everytime.)
Note* I'll propably cardio 4-5 times a week, I'll leave a spare day on my body to rest.

Now my diet is pretty much something like Keto. I inhale around 200-240g protein a day, very very low carbs, sugars fats etc. Every 2 days I'll throw more carbs (so if I have 50g of rice on normal days, Ill throw in 100g) so I can mess up a bit with my system (heard it burns more). Of course I got a cheat meal every saturday.

Now my goal: I've set as a goal to drop down to something more like 15 - 18% body fat by july. I know it might sound a bit too ambitious, but judging from my progress till now considering that win hasnt kicked in since its pills and it takes about a month to get in your blood ... well dunno just guessing.

My question to you: Do you think I got chances of getting to my goal by the start of July? Do you think I could change something in my diet?

Thanks for reading, I really appriciate any comment.
Bro you have to have the discipline to reign in your diet and eat right. Their is no easy way. Build up your lean body mass and you will burn more cals and look better in the process. You can't eat junk food if you are serious!
I don't say this often but by running some mild cycles test only you will increase LMB and that will help alot. If you can't do that much, forget about it.

Good luck friend, Go after this goal like your life depends on it, because it does.

Thanks for your reply luckypaul, well atm while on cycle I am in a very strict diet and I am cheating only 1 meal per week. So diet wise I am following a bodybuilders diet.

I was just asking if my goal is achievable or is it something that I wouldnt be able to achieve.
Thanks for your reply luckypaul, well atm while on cycle I am in a very strict diet and I am cheating only 1 meal per week. So diet wise I am following a bodybuilders diet.

I was just asking if my goal is achievable or is it something that I wouldnt be able to achieve.

It is absolutely achievable geo!
One thing u didn't mention was your weight . That can help a bit in answering your question . knowing this can help someone determine how much weight u are actually attempting to lose in that time . One thing I can warn u about for sure is : ... by losing that much body fat in that little time , u are definetly going to burn muscle . Without knowing what u weigh at the moment ( even still that's a big drop in bf%) losing weight that fast isn't the healthiest thing for u either . A very common approach people take to minimize muscle loss is to lose no more then 2lb per week . Im just trying to get at the point to be careful . I mean YES ... it id doable . but at that rate it may not be the best on your body
So you're trying to lose about 24lbs of pure fat in 10 2.4 lbs/week

You need to be in a cal deficit of 84000 cals total over that span or 8400 per week to drop that much weight but it is still tough to drop only fat even while on cycle (although being on will minimize muscle wasting).

Winstrol will be in your system already but at your bf% you will not notice anything except strength gains. Also for me if I drop carbs that low or lower for an extended period of time my joints will naturally start hurting while lifting heavy because i start losing water weight and winny will only make this worse.

I suggest dropping the winny now as it's more for guys already quite lean and you should never run it for 3 months unless you are keeping a close watch on your liv values with a doc...very few people could get away with this toxicity without doing some degree of damage

There aren't a lot of guys who would suggest cycling at this bf% b/c the extra sides (bp,e2,etc) but since you've already started I would continue on 500/wk and use an AI and manage your estradiol with blood tests.

Everyone is always in a rush for summer. Keep at it and it will come.
Thx for the replies. Well dark that's why my protein intake is around 240g a day. Also as u mentioned I weight 18 stones, now am down to 16.10 stones.

Also keto I do realize that I won't see any results from win that fast. My concern mainly was with HGH. I've heard that its the master of fat loss. And my doc advised me that on a stack like that win HGH testits more than doable dropping a lot of fat but at the same time yes muscles might go down even with 300 g protein a day. Also about the liver ye I've shorted that out, the cycle am running is created by a pro. Past years I've been on 3 months win as well. Protection is a must