My first cycle, due to the fact I had no idea what I was getting into n didn't have proper knowledge or gear, is over after 3 short weeks. I was using sustanon 250 had nothing with it, no hcg, no ai n no pct. I will begin pct in 2 more weeks, 3 weeks after last pin. Clomid n nolva for 3 weeks. Now, my next cycle I will be starting in a few mo. Of this: test enanthate, 300mg twice a week. Hcg twice a week at 250 ui n 1000 last 10 days at 1000 ui every day. An ai prob exemestane 12.5 mg ed. Pct I will run nolva at 20 mg ed n clomid 50 mg.ed for 4 weeks. This will be 12 weeks. With 3 weeks before I start pct.
So... how does it sound and would it be wise to run maybe deca or an oral along with cycle. I been training for over 5 years. 6'.185 lbs. Low body fat. Lift 5 days a week.
So... how does it sound and would it be wise to run maybe deca or an oral along with cycle. I been training for over 5 years. 6'.185 lbs. Low body fat. Lift 5 days a week.