Questions about PCT [Ideal compounds]


New member

I'm doing a small research on PCT, and since I always read different things I just wanted to make a final thread regarding all the questions:

1.Is it possible to recover without HCG?

2.Why Nolva + Aromasin (exe) is not quite popular for a PCT? I heard it does wonders.

3.Do you think Clomid is a MUST to run on PCT?

4.What is your ideal PCT?

I've tried on my first cycle HCG + Clomid + Nolva and recovery was good.

But on the next one I want to try HCG +Aromasin + Nolva or Aromasin+Nolva or Clomid+ Nolva+Aromasin

Hey bro best to take your time through that sticky , it will clarify so much about pct that you may not be entirely aware of.

To be somewhat of help

1. It is possible to recover without HCG, and if you look into it you will find the proper explanations as to why, HCG should be ran during cycle to stimulate the testes enough so they are not entirely shutdown. Not for PCT as you will find with further research.

2. Aromasin is an AI , Novladex is a SERM. You will find through reading the stickys SERMS are used for PCT and AI's are run on cycle to minimise aromatisation / esterogen production. You always need an AI on hand ready to help with sides even if you do not plan to use it during cycle.

3. Yes .. Read sticky ..

And for your last comments I can see why you mah have though this.. But with research it is clear SERMS are for PCT
PCT shouldn't consist of a mixture of AI SERMS and HCG.......

details you will find through the sticky brah but that should help clarify it for you