Questions for jamyjamr


New member
1. how long after post cycle therapy (pct) should I wait to start cutting? I do not have much to lose its more just a sharpening for the summer ya know?

2. during a cutting cycle what I usually do is calculate calorie needs and macros. Then I run it for 2 weeks to see where I am at. then I make adjusments as needed from there. (whether to add or subtract) during this 2 weeks i do not do refeeds/ cheat meals. do you think i should add it in to help results or will it alter them in a bad way??
1. how long after post cycle therapy (pct) should I wait to start cutting? I do not have much to lose its more just a sharpening for the summer ya know?
matters to what your on and what your post cycle therapy (pct) looks like
2. during a cutting cycle what I usually do is calculate calorie needs and macros. Then I run it for 2 weeks to see where I am at. then I make adjusments as needed from there. (whether to add or subtract) during this 2 weeks i do not do refeeds/ cheat meals. do you think i should add it in to help results or will it alter them in a bad way??
no, dont do refeeds.. when u start a diet, usually u need to give yourself 14 days before a refeed anyways.. and then every 7 days after that... i wish everyone dieted the way u do.. i call it microcalibration.. based on numbers... its what i teach here.. refreshing to see someonee else pick up on it without my say so...

make sure to up your beef intake when ur in your post cycle therapy (pct), it'll speed up your natty test recovery

responses in bold
Thanks alot. I really have tried as hard as humanly possible to perfect my diet. I belive 100% that you need a good diet. no diet= crap results. I think I became so anal with my diet is because a few years back before I started training I was fat.

as far as my beef intake goes during post cycle therapy (pct) you think 3 of my 6 meals is good. Right now I usually have maybe once or twice a day. its usually later in the day like 6pm then i eat once more after that.
O and as far as my cycle I did 5weeks a50 with test 400 I will start post cycle therapy (pct) in 3 weeks. My post cycle therapy (pct) is nolva 40/40/20/20 if you think i neeed more or sumthing else let me know i have everything I could possibly need and then some.
can u get your hands on hcg??

3 of 6 meals in post cycle therapy (pct) with beef is perfect....

i'd choose clomid over nolva myself.. nolva lowers igf levels.. a big no no when ur trying to hold on to muscle...

so clomid 50mg ed x 4 weeks would be much better
i have hcg. i thought it was only usefull during a cycle so i was gonna hold for next time.

also from what i have read about nolva and clomid it seemed to me that nolva was the stronger of the two hence why I chose it. I have also read that clomid can cause problems with vision. dont know if its true but its not something i am willing to risk. and finally nolva is pretty much all that was available. the people that i am with swear by it.
how much Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) do u have?

clomid is always gonna be better then nolva.. u could run both even.. that's what i used to do before i found out abou the effect it had on igf levels..

i just run clomid by itself..

im guessing a50 is anadrol right?
the bottle says 5000iu. I have never used it. i never take any of this stuff untill i am 100% sure on what is is and how to use it properly. i just got it a few weeks back.

and yes a50 in anadrol50

also wat is igf lvls?
right now im getting all my ducks in a row for next winter. I am researching and learning more to find out wich compunds would best fit my needs. also I can choose ones that dont have certain side effects. im finishing my current cycle go thru post cycle therapy (pct) and stay off till next winter.

how long after post cycle therapy (pct) do you think i start cuttin up?
you might wanna use that to kickstart your natty test levels.. i would pm dtone about that... or talk to rj... iv never used hcg.. but i know much of its benefits...

anadrol shuts u down pretty good.. how are the little guys doin? they look much littler?