Quick noob question...


New member
When you buy new needles, do you need to clean them with alchohol or something before you use them the first time? Or are needles ready to use?

I attempted searching for an answer to this question but i couldnt quite word it properly and i didnt get the right search results.

Ready to use! Although if you want to alcohol them, its not going to hurt anything.
YellowJacket said:
Ready to use! Although if you want to alcohol them, its not going to hurt anything.

If you do alcohol them, make sure they air dry before you use them or you will get an extra little sting (I did the other day).
Unless you are getting your pics from the local crack dealer, they should all be in a sterile and sealed. Therefore, it is unnecessary for you to use alcohol on them.
dude2003 said:
If you do alcohol them, make sure they air dry before you use them or you will get an extra little sting (I did the other day).

Hahaha, but thats commone sense, right? :D :D