Quick post cycle therapy (pct) question


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Quick pct question

So Ive been taking test cypionate 250 mg every Monday and Thursday. I started to take Hcgenerate into my 4th week because I couldnt get my hands on any hcg. From what Ive read its a pretty good replacement although not the same thing. So my main question is that I want to have the best possible post cycle therapy (pct) I can. I have nolva and clomid, however after doing some research Ive read that these are outdated options and can have some bad sides, that arent worth it. I;ve read about products such as unleashed, post cycle, and bridge. I;ve already purchased Unleashed and post cycle, and have a full bottle of Hcgenerate. Are these products enough to post cycle therapy (pct) safely and correctly? I have read about DAA as well, should I throw that in there? When should I start taking these products? Thanks for any help.
Yea clomid at 50/50/50/50 with nolva at 40/40/20/20
If you want to throw in HCgenerate again into post cycle therapy (pct), which i might do, some guys do it after PCT. Not sure about unleashed and stuff.
Thanks, should I start that after 3 weeks of my last injection?

Nolva and clomid do have some side effects associated with their use but so do ALL drugs. Something as simple as Tylenol can have side effects. Seeing as clomid and nolva are almost universally recommended for PCT I would at least try them out before dismissing their use. The dosages that sonofzeus recommended are great starting dosages so try them out and discontinue if sides present themselves. Not 100% sure but since Enanthate and cypionate are very similar esters and have similar half lives, start your PCT 2weeks after your last pin. Hope this helps.
Thanks a lot. So 50/50/50/50 is 50mg a day for 4 days? And the 40/40/20/20 is for 4 days as well? Do you think that is all I will need for a 12 week cycle?

Thanks a lot. So 50/50/50/50 is 50mg a day for 4 days? And the 40/40/20/20 is for 4 days as well? Do you think that is all I will need for a 12 week cycle?


Yes, clomid 50mg a day for 4 - 5 WEEKS and nolva 40mg ed (everyday) for 2 weeks then down to 20mg/ed for remaining 2 - 3 weeks. Clomid and nolva combo should be fine for a 12 week cycle. If you were to add another compound like dbol, deca, tren or whatever, you might want Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and/or an AI.