quick reply good new products?


New member
I ran 1ad back in the day, and it got banned. Came back a few years later, tried methylated phs, then they got banned. Now I am back am I am wondering if there is anything out their that is 1. legal, 2. doesn't rape your liver, and 3. compares to the gains of the old products. (i have browsed forums, but I cant find convincing data)

if there is still such a thing out there(verified by your own personal experience), can you please just reply with a product or two for me to do some research on? thanks!
The biggest punch will be with AAS, but they do not fall into the legal category. You can find a great line up of products from SarmsSearch, for research purposes only of course. They have endurance enhancers (GW50 being my favorite), bulkers, cutters, etc. They are all perfectly legal to buy, just not legal to consume (in other words, not for human consumption). If you use FORUM30, you get 30% off your purchase.
I ran 1ad back in the day, and it got banned. Came back a few years later, tried methylated phs, then they got banned. Now I am back am I am wondering if there is anything out their that is 1. legal, 2. doesn't rape your liver, and 3. compares to the gains of the old products. (i have browsed forums, but I cant find convincing data)

if there is still such a thing out there(verified by your own personal experience), can you please just reply with a product or two for me to do some research on? thanks!

Depends on what you mean by "punch". Do you want a lean bulk cycle, mass bulking cycle or a cutting cycle? I think a combination of SARMS and a HGH secretogue combo like MK677 that will do well for you. It may not get you the kind of gains that you can get from an AAS but they will be lean hard gains that will most likely stay and are legal.

Also, there are still strong methylated PH's available for now. As long as you are taking those with good cycle support you should be alright.