R-ALA and insulin sensitivity


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Everyone knows about ALA but not everyone knows R-ALA is commonly sold as a blend, not a 100% option. The sellers typically make up some repeated reason about clumping and the quality of the compound causing them to have to add a sodium additive or the cheaper form: S-ALA which is as useless to me as some powder they swept off the floor. If you want the real benefits from R-ALA, be SURE you are getting pure 100% so you get the most bang for your buck. Any ingredients separated with a comma is a tricky way of not disclosing the % of each...& I can guess companies will skimp on expensive ingredients to maximize profits. This is what you can expect with a high quality product:
...and this is just my sidenote * Pure 100% R-ALA smells like rotten eggs. There's no missing it. Its a yellowish color and has that foul smell you can't cover up. If you buy a product and it is odorless, I'd be wondering what you got....And pure R-ALA is heat sensitive. I keep mine in the fridge and my vendor did as well. I'd like to know how effective encapsulated r-ala kept at room temp for a year where the summers get into the 90s fair....You can figure that out.

R-ALA is the purest form of Alpha-Lipoic Acid available. R-ALA's health benefits are almost limitless, with glucose disposal, strong anti-oxidant properties, and anti-aging benefits being only but a few.

R-ALA is a potent insulin-mimicking agent. It speeds the removal of glucose (sugar) from the blood, which accounts for the profound benefits seen by many. It also has growing reputation as a fat-loss supplement.

R-ALA is also crucial for energy production - it helps break down sugar for the production of ATP, the fuel used by cells to keep the body running. This activity helps to ensure that ingested carbohydrates will be used as fuel, and not stored as fat. Many people using R-ALA report higher energy levels for sustained periods of time.