rate this diet

Too many protein shakes and not enough solid food IMO, I do the breakfast and 1 shake, but alot of meats, veggies, and fruit (not too much fruit, especially at night), and something with good protein that releases slow at night, like milk/yogurt/cheese/chicken breast/tuna
Like I said thats 3 meals that could have been healthy solid foods, and 3 for me is to much for shakes. I just use it post workout.
I like that diet as well. Alternating protein drink meals with solid food is helpful to those with busy schedules. That's what I've been doing for the last 2 years. I go lower carb/higher fat with more milk though.
The last meal is too high in carbs and too low in protein. I would use a 1/2-1 cup of cottage cheese mixed with 6 oz. of yogurt.
Connors is right!
Cottage cheese rocks!Really works for me:)
Also your bad fat is too high.
Instead of beef use TOP LOIN steak!
Ask your butcher to ground it,BBQ or Forman grill it!
Use Udo's Choice Flax,omega3,all-purpose oils:)
Save you a hell of a lot of cardio in the future:)