Raw Food and Bodybuilding?


New member
I've read pretty much all of Steve's articles, and I can see a lot of logic behind his enthusiasm for eating a raw food diet, but I am having trouble seeing how a low-protein diet like that can work if you're trying to build muscle mass. To clarify my position, I am talking about bodybuilding, lifting relatively heavy weights (mostly free weights) for 6-12 reps per set. I don't doubt that someone new to working out could gain some muscle living off of mostly vegetables and fruits, because everyone makes noticeable gains when they first start working out. But I have been going to the gym for the better part of the last 5 years, and have noticed that all of my gains have come when I was eating the "Standard American Diet," overemphasizing protein intake through sources such as meat, dairy, and protein shakes.

I briefly (for about 3 months) went vegan a couple of years ago, and not to my surprise I lost about 5-10 pounds. I definitely shed a bit of fat, but I also lost muscle as well on that diet. I've read Steve's article about the Protein Myth, and I can reasonably agree that the average person doesn't need very much protein, and could likely meet their protein needs even on a raw vegan diet, but the average person does not take part in intense resistance training! High protein and calorie consumption is the tried and true method for building muscle - name me a single bodybuilder (natural or otherwise) that doesn't train on such a diet and I will be shocked. I even came across a vegan bodybuilder's site, but his diet was still centred on high protein consumption, through sources such as beans and legumes.

So what should I do? I want to continue to train hard and build muscle, mainly because I like the look. But at the same time, I realize that this probably isn't the best choice of diet for achieving optimal health. I can't really see myself half-assing it in the gym to adapt to a lower protein diet either - I'm not a fan of toning - because if I'm not making gains in strength and/or muscle size I don't see much point in going. Any suggestions?


that'd be a good start

as for running a vegan diet... i thinks its horrible... u have teeth that are made to tear flesh.. ur an omivore.. not a herbavore
Japanese Bodybuilder dies from eating Raw Chicken + Raw Eggs After EVERY WORKOUT!!!!!!

edit: as for the original topic.. I don't have much experience with vegan diets, but I don't see how it would be possible to consume the necessary amounts of protein to build or maintain muscle. I'd think you'd have to eat enormous amounts of beans and sorts to get over 200-300g's protein. I would just stick with cooked meat bro..nothing unhealthy about some chicken or fish.
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