OK so Im trying to put on some size and been consuming 3700calories which seems fine for me, with 350p 400carbs and 80 fat.which was roughly a 40 40 20 split before I increase the carbs by 50grams. Now im thinking of re working my macros and what ive been told is
1.5-2g protein per LBM
0.84grams of fat per LBM
and fill the rest of the remaining calories with carbs.
which should equal for me about 300grams protein maybe I might do a bit less
450grams of carbs
and about 142 grams of fat? is this right or am I off?
I weight 100kg
5,11 and my bodyfat is around 14%
currently on test/deca at 250/600
1.5-2g protein per LBM
0.84grams of fat per LBM
and fill the rest of the remaining calories with carbs.
which should equal for me about 300grams protein maybe I might do a bit less
450grams of carbs
and about 142 grams of fat? is this right or am I off?
I weight 100kg
5,11 and my bodyfat is around 14%
currently on test/deca at 250/600