Re continuing my first test e only cycle after 4weeks break


New member
I'm 29 6ft and 160lbs. I started my first cycle in the spring test e at 500-700mg a week I weighed around 150 when I started and after about week 8 I was staying up around 170-175lbs up til week 12 when I took my last shot.. I had no sides besides itchy nipples and test-flu I would wake up every morning soaking wet with sweat.. I took my last pin 4 weeks ago and Did not do any PCT and during these 4weeks I've been partying drinking a lot and one week did a a lot of cocaine basically wilding out and I been partying away my gains now I'm down to 160 and I'm lethargic and depressive.. Instead of buying some clomid and Nolva starting a pct I want to buy another bottle of test asap and re continue this cycle for 4-6 weeks like a month recharge to get back some of the gains I wasted then wait 2 weeks and start a PCT. I'm guessing Iit doesn't really work like that but Does anyone have any advice on this I know my cycle was poorly planned and I don't want to be on TRT. It's like a 12wk blast but no cruise instead a 4week crash then a small 4week blast then pct. I guess technically I'd be doing a 20week cycle as my first cycle I would have been on for 12weeks then no test for 4 weeks up til now which would be week 16 then test e 600mg a week til week 20 then 2 weeks after that Start an aggressive Pct and I won't fuck around so I can keep gains and not be shutdown
AAS is not to be taken lightly. If you cant control yourself, then I suggest you stay away until you can.

There are great risks involved here.
Agreed with above comments.500-700mgs/wk?? What is that.? Either do a solid preplanned cycle with preplanned pct or don't. Definantly not something to take lightly. Definantly not something to take a party break in the middle of either...
But honestly, according to your stats and age, not sure how long u been lifting, but I'd venture to say not extremely long, I'd say u could make nice gains natty with proper diet and training before adding AAS. U need to get where u want with HARD WORK. AAS won't get u there alone.