Red meat


Here to learn
Out of curiousity how many steaks do you fellas eat a day/ week. Same for ground beef. I honestly put down atleast one steak a day and probably about 3 or 4 beef meals a week. Friends are startin to stress to me how bad that is for you lol :splat: Already knew this and been figuring I should cut back a lot real soon. Just wanted to see if any of you guys are as big of red meat freak idiots as me. Peace - Ink
Me I eat 3 steaks everyday. And about 4 beef meals as well. Im fuckin Guilty!!!
Im with u there Biggin I fucking love red meat and we ate the hell out of it when we were cavemen personally i eat red meat twice a day just about every day its like pussy just cant get enough lol
red meat isn't all that bad for you if you select the right cut, the problem is the fat marbleing in the staeks are why they taste so good. but i eat one serving of red meat ed regardless of diet phase, and when im bulking i'll eat as many as i can