Restarting Anavar mid Prop cycle


New member
Hello ology community,

5 weeks and a few days into second cycle, Prop @ 170mg eod. Started var first day of week 3 (so been on 3 weeks and a few days). The var is a local source, so I started w/about a month supply to see how it was. It's definitely legit and I'm enjoying it a lot at 75mg ed. However, I'm about to run out and can't get more for about a week. Will being on for about 3.5 weeks, going off for about 1 week, and hopping back on for the rest of the run (12 weeks total) be OK? Or should I just drop it after I run out and continue prop only for the remaining 5 to 5.5 weeks?

Also, considering turning this into a 10 week cycle instead of the planned for 12, in that case what do you guys think about adding var back in for the final 3 to 3.5 weeks?
You don't want to run an oral for long periods of time due to the stresses on your liver. I don't even use them. I would just finish out what u have and continue on with the prop. Now if you were going 12 weeks, that would give u a month break on var and you could finish the last 4 weeks of your cycle with var. Most don't really start a cycle with var instead usually run it the last 4-6 weeks of the cycle. Get some nac for liver support. Are you using an ai and have your pct put together?
Ya, I've been running NAC at 1800mg ed since I started the var. Running stane at 12.5mg ed along w/HCG @ 250IU e3d. Nolva and clomid for PCT. As far as the var I head running for 10 weeks could be fine depending on mid cycle BW, I had mine done earlier this week waiting on results. If kidney/liver values looked good I planned on continuing the var til final pin day.