ROHM post cycle therapy (pct) on Potential M1T cycle?


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ROHM pct on Potential M1T cycle?

Hey guys, just looking for a bit of advice really, So I've been given a Tub of M1T off a buddy of mine and had it a while now. I'm considering doing a cycle of 2 on 2 off, with your standard milk thistle tabs and natural test boosters (tribulus for me) for liver protection etc.

I know post cycle therapy (pct) is obviously really important and I have some ROHM caps left over from my first cycle I did last year. My question is that what do you lot think to using this as post cycle therapy (pct) for M1T? Would it go well for it? because I know it has a fair few things in it like.

This is all based on if I actually run it or not and I'm actually considering just waiting to stack it with cycle number 2 this winter ( which I guess would be a smarter move if i decide on using it)

any hows, thanks for the advice in advance and try not to flame me too hard lads haha