I am currently on a SSRI - this means I even though I can get it up AND pound away like a madman, I cannot orgasm. No explosion at the end...
Taking Cialis and 1mg of IPT-141 the day before doing the deed allowed me to pop. It had been three weeks of failure. Failure so bad I could not even finish MYSELF off...yeah. SSRI - a depression drug that prevents men from achieving orgasm...whose bright idea was THAT?
Anyway, the day of the shot, I was still unable to orgasm. It was the next day (after taking the shot) and the day after that which allowed me to finally find release. Two days in a row when I was getting to the point of just giving up altogether. It also raised my libido to the point where I could not keep my eyes and hands off my wife. It also make me VERY emotional afterwards, very loving towards her - which she happily accepted (all women want that). It could have been the length of time without an orgasm that did it, could have been the drug, or it simply could have been pent up emotions. We celebrated our 28th anniversary together a little bit ago.
I will no longer have a house without some IPT-141 sitting in the fridge and freezer. I mean that, it is something I will never do without again. It sits there with my HCG, and is as important as my TRT Test-cyp and my liquid Cia.
EDIT: I have heard it does wonderful things for women as well - my wife is now eager to try some herself. I hope what I heard is true...and that my heart is as strong as the doctor says it is.