Second Cycle Test P Tren A


New member
Starting my second cycle in 2 weeks. Thinking of running it like this
Test Prop 100mg eod Week 1-8
Tren Ace 100mg eod Week 1-8
Arimidex ? Idk eod Week 1-8
Pramipexole ? Idk week 1-8

Or maybe ED injections of 50mg Each? The only reason I'm even considering pinning ED is due to the fact that my back broke out on the first cycle which was Test E. Is 50ed equivalent to 100 eod? And how should I run the arimidex and prami?
23yr old 6'1" 180lbs 9-10%bf been training last 4 years. I'm going to do an 8 week bulk with short esters this time. Basically want to get in, get out and PCT rite after my last shot.
8 weeks is a little short. Nothing will build up to the point that it is helping you until week 3. You have to weigh the risk, reward. You are going shut yout self down with the compound that shuts down hardest and risk a lifetime of low T and infertility for 5 weeks of gains?

If your going to bet the farm then go at least 10. 12 would be better. Once your shut down, your shut down. So it doesn't really matter if its 8 or 12 weeks. Your either going to recover or not. Same scenario if the cycle was 6 weeks or 20 weeks.

I am being a little over exaggerated there are very few who can't recover but it happens and you must assume that risk. HCG is a must if you plan to cycle on and off.

Sounds like you have a lot of research to do. You need to figure out what day to start your PCT based on what ester your gear is. Your going to need to source out and learn how to use HCG and your AI. Read about Prami. it's no joke, powerful shit. So don't just get it and start taking it. learn the right way.
I will def take it out to 10 weeks then. I've been interested in adding HCG but have not come across any. Not even on any sites.. What's wrong with prami? What should I look out for? And should I run it for sure or only if I'm feeling ichy/sore nips? I wanna run a low dose of arimidex eod too.
I will def take it out to 10 weeks then. I've been interested in adding HCG but have not come across any. Not even on any sites.. What's wrong with prami? What should I look out for? And should I run it for sure or only if I'm feeling ichy/sore nips? I wanna run a low dose of arimidex eod too.

Theres nothing wrong with prami. It's just that it will make you sick unless you dose it super low and raise it by 10% each week to the recommended dose. Which I don't remember because I could never dose it low enough to get past the first week. Cabergoline is better for me does the same thing but no weird flu symptoms.

You should without a doubt run some sort of AI whether its Adex or Exemestane is up to you.
Adex .5mg EOD would be plenty you might even try to go as low as .25mg EOD
Exem 12.5 mg EOD would be good to go for that level of test.

It is possible that you don't need prami or caber but it is good to have on hand. There are quite a few people out there that never need it I am in that boat. The theory on Prolactin induced gyno is that it can only happen in the presence of high E, or fluctuating high levels of E to be exact. So control E levels and you don't need dopamine antagonists. They do have some rather positive sexual dise effects that I am sure you and your Girl would appreciate.

Try to stretch it to 12 weeks. HCG you can find it just have to look we can't disclose sources on here but its out there. If you could handle 400mg of tren that would be better. the amount you can take will depend on how well you handle the sides for me there are some pretty crazy and noticeable differences that take place when I get North of the 600mg a week dose. Most I ever did was 700 a week but it was pretty rough 500-600 seems to be my sweet spot.
Hey OP, what was your first cycle? What dosages did you run for the hormone and ai? Did you get bloods done mid cycle to see where your e2 is at with your ai dosage?

Also why are you in such a rush to give tren a go? Tren is not a compound to be taken lightly. I did it on a third cycle at a lower dose than yours and I wish I had waited a while longer. If you really want to use a 19-nor, use deca or npp first and see how you react. Then maybe in your third cycle use masteron, which has very similar effects to tren. Then maybe, if you can handle those compounds, give tren a go at a low dose. After that try a higher dose and see how you feel. But don't be in a rush to try tren. Many people can't handle the sides at all. I know guys who run like a gram of test a week with no sides, then 300mg of tren fucks em up because they can't deal with the mental sides.

Slow and steady wins the race my friend
First cycle was Test E 500mg then I Added in Liquid D.bol for 3 weeks gained water weight so dropped it then added in Tren A for the end but felt gyno symptoms so I decided to start pct I was running letro throughout. I might just do test prop only instead of Tren too.. Never got bloods during. Got bloods before but never picked up the results.
short esters or not it takes weeks to notice much. short or long esters i wouldent bother with anything less than 12 weeks (tren atleast 8). I would rec teste + an AI and pinning it 2x a week? you could always use short esters at end to move to pct. but honestly i am bias against short esters so...
I already tried Test E. I'm done with long Esters.. They make no sense to me as I'm never doing a cycle longer than 10-12 weeks max again. Gains def come to a halt after week 8. I'm gonna go ahead and try the test prop tren A 50mg each Ed. That's a small dose of each but will still yield good gains.