Well, my next cycle is going to be a bulking/cutting cycle combination, as i wish to shed some body fat before i get into the heavier stuff.
This is my upcoming cycle which is going to start within the next month..
weeks 1-12 Test Enan (500 mg/wk....inj. mon/thurs)
weeks 3-14 HCG (500 iu/wk....inj. mon/thurs)
weeks 5-10 A-dex (.5 mg EOD)
weeks 10-12 Clen (20mcg ED ramped up to 120 mcg ED last 7 days)
weeks 10-12 DNP (200 mg 1st 2 days, 400 the rest)
weeks 10-14 Winny ( 50mg EOD)
weeks 14-18 Nolva (normal PCT)
Then im planning on running either Test/deca/dbol or Prop/NPP (both are pretty much the same cycle IMO, just one is faster acting than the other.)