sexy pics


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Definately nice, but not a good idea to have pics of powders w/ those labels. don't want packaging methods to be displayed
Well, my next cycle is going to be a bulking/cutting cycle combination, as i wish to shed some body fat before i get into the heavier stuff.

This is my upcoming cycle which is going to start within the next month..

weeks 1-12 Test Enan (500 mg/wk....inj. mon/thurs)
weeks 3-14 HCG (500 iu/wk....inj. mon/thurs)
weeks 5-10 A-dex (.5 mg EOD)
weeks 10-12 Clen (20mcg ED ramped up to 120 mcg ED last 7 days)
weeks 10-12 DNP (200 mg 1st 2 days, 400 the rest)
weeks 10-14 Winny ( 50mg EOD)
weeks 14-18 Nolva (normal PCT)

Then im planning on running either Test/deca/dbol or Prop/NPP (both are pretty much the same cycle IMO, just one is faster acting than the other.)
gymphreak said:
Well, my next cycle is going to be a bulking/cutting cycle combination, as i wish to shed some body fat before i get into the heavier stuff.

This is my upcoming cycle which is going to start within the next month..

weeks 1-12 Test Enan (500 mg/wk....inj. mon/thurs)
weeks 3-14 HCG (500 iu/wk....inj. mon/thurs)
weeks 5-10 A-dex (.5 mg EOD)
weeks 10-12 Clen (20mcg ED ramped up to 120 mcg ED last 7 days)
weeks 10-12 DNP (200 mg 1st 2 days, 400 the rest)
weeks 10-14 Winny ( 50mg EOD)
weeks 14-18 Nolva (normal PCT)

Then im planning on running either Test/deca/dbol or Prop/NPP (both are pretty much the same cycle IMO, just one is faster acting than the other.)

pm me boy wonder
looks like me and you got DNP from the same source, also whats are the tabs in the green packing?