short cycles or long cycle

cockdiesel said:
whats better short heavy cycle or long drawn out cycles for bulking?

Long ones...but frequent short cycles are pretty good too.

But you are missing the whole point of why to do short cycles's not to win the national level titles.

i also think that short cycle make you really focus on your diet and workouts because you only have a short time to make solid gains

my 2 bits
Specific time frames would be of use in such an argument, if you are talking really heavy you are going to hit the HPTA hard as well as have high blood levels anyway, negating the whole thing.

I prefer going a little longer, but I will probably back off of my "6 month cycle" ideas, the biggest issue for me now is eating enough to actually gain any weight.

So what kind of argument are we looking for really. If you are looking for a given amount of weight, can you honestly eat your way there in a short time period, or do you need a longer time frame?
Some of you may not know that androgens, taken at even newbie bodybuilding doses, alter everyones lipid profile. Everyone sees their hdl(good cholesterol) take a huge "nosedive" and most also see their ldl(bad cholesterol) go up to some degree but not to the same degree that hdl decreases. Generally hdl decreases 40-70% in as little as 2 weeks and ldl increases an average of 36% in 4 weeks. In my experience this reduction in hdl puts all bro's hdl WELL below the pathological minimum of 35. My ldl does not elevate above the pathological level of 160 but others see ldl's well above 160.