Side Effects From B5


New member
Two weeks ago, I switched from accutane to B5 because I was fed up with the sides I was having from the accutane. So far it seem to be working pretty well, although I honestly cannot tell whether it's the B5 or the accutane doing the work at this point. After loading on 8g for the first ten days, I have enough B5 left to run 4g for the next four months, but I am a little concerned about possible sides from long term use at such high doses.

First, I am concerned about hair loss. If have seen some reports that this may have to do with B5's effect on fatty acid metabolism, but there doesn't seem to be an consensus as to what is really going on. As long as the hair loss stops when you stop taking B5 I am not very concerned, but some people say that hair loss continuous even after stopping B5. Does anyone have more inforamtion about this?

Second, I think someone on this board mentioned that B5 may decrease sex drive. Do any of you have this problem? Maybe it's just a coincidence, but I think it's strange that my sex drive has virtually disappeared even though I am on 400mg test WK (along with some other stuff). And it's not like I can't get it up -- physically everything works fine. I just don't have any interest, which for me is VERY unusual.
This is the first that I have heard about the hairloss issue with respect to B5 but we have had many Doctors on this site talk about using B5 for acne treatment and never have any of them heard of the hairloss issue as well.

I personally never noticed a loss of sex drive when using B5. Are you on a cycle presently? If you are and it has Test in it, then there should be no worry in that department.

The only real side that I noticed and my brother noticed was some unpleasant trips to the bathroom. My brother likes to refer to his shits on B5 as "pissing shit" because he rarely sees a solid log when using high dosage B5.
BiggieSwolls said:

I personally never noticed a loss of sex drive when using B5. Are you on a cycle presently?

Ok, I must have missed that part of your post. I see that you are on 400 mg/wk of B5. Bro, I find it hard to believe that B5 can reverse the effect of Test and somehow decrease your sex drive. This would mean that in some people, B5 can have as strong an effect as Deca with respect to killing sex drives. I am very much against that theory.
BiggieSwolls said:
Ok, I must have missed that part of your post. I see that you are on 400 mg/wk of B5. Bro, I find it hard to believe that B5 can reverse the effect of Test and somehow decrease your sex drive. This would mean that in some people, B5 can have as strong an effect as Deca with respect to killing sex drives. I am very much against that theory.

I agree that it seem unlikely that B5 has that effect, and I doubt that there is a connection. I have a lot of shit going on right now, so it's probably more due to stress than anything else. I just thought I'd ask.

I am happy to say that I have not had any problems in the bathroom department.
xtinct said:
I am happy to say that I have not had any problems in the bathroom department.

Your lucky. It was too much for my bro. He had to take a break from the B5 for that reason and that reason only.
I seem to have excelerated hairloss since I started and decreased libido. I have been taking Avodart for 6 months. I beleive there may be some connection because I never had either of these problems until I started it.
I've heard the hair loss talk, but I've not experienced it personally, nor have I read about it in any of the hair loss literature. But if you think about it, who uses high dose B5? A lot of BB's. They may be more prone to hair loss due to gear, diet, stress, etc, and the blame gets placed on innocuous old vitamin B5! Who knows?
DRveejay11 said:
B5 is mediated through completely different actions bro-----it SHOULD NOT effect libido whatsoever!

"Choline and Vitamin B5: Erections occur when sexual thoughts originating in the brain initiate a flow of nerve signals down the spinal cord to the arteries and smooth muscle in the penis. The eurotransmitter that carries the message from the spinal nerves to the nerves that control the release of NO in the penile arteries and spongy tissue is acetylcholine (ACh). Reduced levels of ACh is likely to reduce sexual activity. ACh seems to be involved in the build-up toward orgasm, in the urethral and vaginal contractions that occur during orgasm and in the subjective perception of orgasm intensity and duration. One way to safely enhance ACh levels is by taking supplements of choline, along with vitamin B5, so that the body will process more ACh. Choline and vitamin B5 may have individual prosexual effects, mainly that of endurance. Choline is a major building block of ACh. Vitamin B5 seems to enhance endurance by creating ACh from choline and producing energy in the Krebbs Cycle"
A normal dose of B5 is awesome for men's sexual health. In fact, I try to get as many vitamins and nutrients into my penis skin as possible. I use a penis health creme daily to this effect. I think it really works. Any thoughts?
I am in pct currently and take 5 grams of b5 everyday, no libido issues here, you might want to check your e2 levels if your on cycle