side effects months after steroid use? Need advice.


New member
Hey guys, struggling with some issues. Hoping someone can advice me on what to do next

I'm 25 years old and I did my first cycle in begining of last year. 12 week test + tren e. Everything went fine except I had really small lumps under my nipple but I took nolvadex EOD for few days and everything was fine. PCT was Nolvadex and clomid. I wanted to add HCG towards the end of the cycle before I started PCT but couldn't get it in time.

During PCT everything seemed to be coming back to normal. My testicle size went back to the orignal size and I felt fine. It's been about 7 months now since the PCT. and about 2 weeks ago I started noticing gyno lumps appearing behind my nipples again. They weren't extremly painful but they felt sore when I touched them and felt as if they kept getting bigger (or maybe it was in my head). As soon as I noticed it I got nolvadex and started using 40 mg a day. The lumps shrunk a little in size and are no longer sore. I also ordered Letro because I was panicking but didn't use it yet.

So been on nolvadex for 2 weeks now. I was going to continue to use it until the gyno symptoms completely subsided but another issue has come up. I just noticed I'm having erectile problems. I can't get fully hard. Do you guys think this could be a side effect of Nolvadex? Should I continue using nolvadex? Should I run HCG and do another PCT? If anyone have any sort of experience with this and can advice me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.

Thank you.
whats up man.. the nolva isn't allowing your estrogen to bind to the receptors, so youre experiencing low estrogen sides.. thats why youre having ed issues

now, as for the lump.. something may have caused a rise in your estrogen.. do you use any recreational drugs? how about prescription drugs?
It's most likely the nolvadex. You need raloxifene to shrink gyno, way more effective and way less sides.

You can't get bloodwork now to see where you test and e2 are at because nolva will artificially increase them both.
Just curious, but when you aren't using Nolvadex, do you tend to check your nipples a lot?I know that when I was taking Precepa for hair loss (its a steroid, and one of the sides can be gyno). At first I thought I had gyno when taking it, because my nipples were sensitive and felt hard and lumpy, until someone pointed out that your nipples can get sensitive and sore when constantly interacted with.

Once I stopped thinking I had gyno, nothing happened anymore.

So, just some food for thought. Not saying that is the case, but it might be.
I'm sorry and I don't mean to bash you...BUT you seem so uneducated in the use of AAS. Before you do anymore you really need to get yourself educated. If you haven't please read all these sticky posts listed where you came in to post. You need to understand more , all the sides of high n low E2.

As was said you probably crashed your E2. Where was your AI. That's what you use to control your E2. This is preventative medicine to keep from getting to where you are now.

Read more and come back with a little more specific Q's on what you do not understand.
I'm sorry and I don't mean to bash you...BUT you seem so uneducated in the use of AAS. Before you do anymore you really need to get yourself educated. If you haven't please read all these sticky posts listed where you came in to post. You need to understand more , all the sides of high n low E2.

As was said you probably crashed your E2. Where was your AI. That's what you use to control your E2. This is preventative medicine to keep from getting to where you are now.

Read more and come back with a little more specific Q's on what you do not understand.
agreed 100%

also OP, dont use letro or an AI off cycle to try shrink gyno and crashing your estrogen, not healthy.
also dont do tren for a bunch of cycles, deff not first.

good luck.

read the stickies uptop in the aas section
I stopped using Nolvadex since I made this post. The lumps behind my nipples are very small in size and have stayed that way for few weeks. No soreness. But nipples are hard almost all day. As far as the erectile problem goes, I get hard but not completely. and I can get soft very easily. Right now just giving it some time and hoping everything goes back to normal soon.
Hi mate

New to this forum but for erectile issues, I always find Proviron to sort any issues out and
Always add these to my pct cycle

regards T
Time IS the best for side s and allowing your body to get used to no drug s at all...homeostasis rock s
Hi mate

New to this forum but for erectile issues, I always find Proviron to sort any issues out and
Always add these to my pct cycle

regards T

Welcome to the board :wavey:

You seem to have some experience !!

I would be nice if you started your own thread to introduce yourself and maybe give us your complete stats:
However since you haven't a Q' for now , some history to know your background with BB or PL and cycles and or maybe just a serious lifter. > :dunno:
I'm sorry and I don't mean to bash you...BUT you seem so uneducated in the use of AAS. Before you do anymore you really need to get yourself educated. If you haven't please read all these sticky posts listed where you came in to post. You need to understand more , all the sides of high n low E2.

As was said you probably crashed your E2. Where was your AI. That's what you use to control your E2. This is preventative medicine to keep from getting to where you are now.

Read more and come back with a little more specific Q's on what you do not understand.

Educate yourself on the stickys m8
Just curious, but when you aren't using Nolvadex, do you tend to check your nipples a lot?I know that when I was taking Precepa for hair loss (its a steroid, and one of the sides can be gyno). At first I thought I had gyno when taking it, because my nipples were sensitive and felt hard and lumpy, until someone pointed out that your nipples can get sensitive and sore when constantly interacted with.

Once I stopped thinking I had gyno, nothing happened anymore.

So, just some food for thought. Not saying that is the case, but it might be.

it sounds silly but i swear it has an effect, from exp and others feedback.
even if you are infact having some issues coming, its only going to make it worse, not better
Welcome to the board :wavey:

You seem to have some experience !!

I would be nice if you started your own thread to introduce yourself and maybe give us your complete stats:
However since you haven't a Q' for now , some history to know your background with BB or PL and cycles and or maybe just a serious lifter. > :dunno:

Proviron is suppressive to a degree and shouldn't be taken during pct...