sidenafil citrate powders

Ken Lawson

New member
Hi guys I have been looking into making some viagra for myself. How do you take or convert the powder form? So you just mix itwith something or have convert it otherwise? Thanks!
Viagra is more a spur of the moment type of thing...therefore capping it just makes things better and simpler imo ;)
I've heard that the best way to suspend Sildenafil is in a PEG suspension. Just put the hormone into the PEG and heat it up. I've never heard of or seen Sildenafil in a total solution, just a suspension. Just shake up every time you want to use it, it'll stay in a good suspension for a minute or so.
Ken Lawson said:
Hi guys I have been looking into making some viagra for myself. How do you take or convert the powder form? So you just mix itwith something or have convert it otherwise? Thanks!

Can I ask, why are you making Viagra?? Surely Cialis is a much better way to get the job done, and even at roughly x3 the price its still very cheap..

I havent made either of them since I can buy Viagra over the counter here very cheaply, but I have 10g of Cialis on the way..
Since trying Cialis I feel that it is much easier on my body, my blood pressure goes sky high on Viagra (flushed face, and upper chest, blocked nose and my vision is even slighty affected.. (very slightly on high doses)) But with Cialis I have none of the above.. Friends of mine have also comented on similar experiences and will switch to Cialis once I get it..

Just my two cents..

Mini Me said:
Can I ask, why are you making Viagra?? Surely Cialis is a much better way to get the job done, and even at roughly x3 the price its still very cheap..

I havent made either of them since I can buy Viagra over the counter here very cheaply, but I have 10g of Cialis on the way..
Since trying Cialis I feel that it is much easier on my body, my blood pressure goes sky high on Viagra (flushed face, and upper chest, blocked nose and my vision is even slighty affected.. (very slightly on high doses)) But with Cialis I have none of the above.. Friends of mine have also comented on similar experiences and will switch to Cialis once I get it..

Just my two cents..


damn, i get the nasal congestion with cialis. great wood is no good if you can't smell the poon-tang.
ld50 said:
damn, i get the nasal congestion with cialis. great wood is no good if you can't smell the poon-tang.
haha!! You just described my night last night. Hard as a rock, and couldnt breathe out of my nose for shit. Even 25mg of cialis does this to me. At 50mg my vision starts to act up. 3/5 senses aint bad though, and she didnt complain one bit.
yeah, doesn't fly for me. i tried it a few times a couple years ago before it went mainstream and just couldn't get it to do its thing without stopping me up. my wife tried it though and enjyed it, but had a bad headache afterwards.