So I guess a-bombs just aren't for me!


Brand new
Hi everyone! Just giving food for thought here, not that there isn't plenty of info on drol already this is just my personal exp. Started a tren ace@ 75mg a day test prop@50 mg. a day three weeks ago with adex .5mg eod,hcg 500iu 2x a week and prami .3mg ed. Other than sweaty nights and a bit of anxiety all was going great! I decided to add anadrol 50mg 2x daily about 10 days ago and WOW did things change and not for the better. Day 1&2 no big deal just felt a bit crappy like I was getting sick so I hung in there reading that this was normal. I started to get CRAZY depressed by day 4 and really feeling awful but too stubborn to throw in the towel. Well two nights ago I had such stomach pain, not nausea, stabbing intense pain I had to stop and call it quits. I've never had gut pain like that in my life, and at 35 I've had some boo boo's but holy s&$t! Anyway next bulk I'll go with dbol as it's obvious a bombs don't agree with me, not hating on it just know now it's not for me personally. I sleep fine on tren so as far as sides go, I can't complain too much I suppose!
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Was it acid reflux?
Because I never had it in my life until my first cycle and holy pain from hell.
It lasted over 8 hours which is pretty extreme.
Thankfully haven't had it since.
I took tums and no relief. It wasn't a burn it felt like a knot in my whole abdomen but hurt so bad I was sweating. My wife wanted me to go to the ER but I sat it out. I'm not sensitive to sides normally but will not be running this experiment again!
It makes me wonder if you co-incidentally had another item flare up for the first time (possibly because of Adrol none the less)
2 things give me crippling pain:
Galstones would put me on my ass and eventually vomiting due to excessive pain. Had to get Percacets prescribed until I got the thing removed.
Stomach Gas, I don't know why it happens and you can't burp it away, it isn't that type of gas I guess. It hurts to no end, and gradually slows up a bit and seems to rotate and come back very hard then dissipatees and comes back for hours if I don't treat it (treatment is easy, for otc gas killers).

On both of tose the pain comes from the general area of the middle of the lower rib cage maybe a tad higher or lower depending on how your put together I suppose.
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Taking 100mg a day it's a little too much for a first time user. I would have started with the 50mg and taken it from there....
I cannot eat at all at this point without prescription appetite stimulants or recreational drug use. I have reflux bad enough that I throw up atleast twice a day right now. I feel your pain. Trying to hang on the last 7 days to the meet. Never looked so forward to being on strictly a TRT dose in my life.
I cannot eat at all at this point without prescription appetite stimulants or recreational drug use. I have reflux bad enough that I throw up atleast twice a day right now. I feel your pain. Trying to hang on the last 7 days to the meet. Never looked so forward to being on strictly a TRT dose in my life.

What prescription stimulant?
interesting, NASSA's are a different breed but certainly work.

Keeps me a law abiding citizen, and alive as well. Would never recommend it for someone to take just to get in a few extra calories though. I'm sure you are aware of what they are generally prescribed for.

The same events that have occurred in my life that allow me to be as motivated and driven to accomplish my goals, plague me in a similar way... Powerlifting is not exactly a happy sport.
Keeps me a law abiding citizen, and alive as well. Would never recommend it for someone to take just to get in a few extra calories though. I'm sure you are aware of what they are generally prescribed for.

The same events that have occurred in my life that allow me to be as motivated and driven to accomplish my goals, plague me in a similar way... Powerlifting is not exactly a happy sport.

Yep. Glad it's working for you brother. Stay powerful.
Well, it's Saturday 945 and I've been in the ER since 4am. I've never felt pain like I did last night not even close. I hate pain meds but I've never been so glad to see dilaudid! Hepatic still slightly elevated but no pancreatitis no gall stones no nothing. The doctor said he was baffled but can only assume its the anadrol but after 4 days? Anyway I'm a dbol man from here on out lol.
Gotta admit I did enjoy the young pretty US nurse rubbing warm goop all over my belly but not enough to try this again! And let me reiterate, I'm an injectable dbol man from here on out.
Yessir. I stay in the lexington/gilbert area. Just enough in the country to be left alone but only 20 mins or so away from a few nice restaurants.