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Hi everyone! Just giving food for thought here, not that there isn't plenty of info on drol already this is just my personal exp. Started a tren ace@ 75mg a day test prop@50 mg. a day three weeks ago with adex .5mg eod,hcg 500iu 2x a week and prami .3mg ed. Other than sweaty nights and a bit of anxiety all was going great! I decided to add anadrol 50mg 2x daily about 10 days ago and WOW did things change and not for the better. Day 1&2 no big deal just felt a bit crappy like I was getting sick so I hung in there reading that this was normal. I started to get CRAZY depressed by day 4 and really feeling awful but too stubborn to throw in the towel. Well two nights ago I had such stomach pain, not nausea, stabbing intense pain I had to stop and call it quits. I've never had gut pain like that in my life, and at 35 I've had some boo boo's but holy s&$t! Anyway next bulk I'll go with dbol as it's obvious a bombs don't agree with me, not hating on it just know now it's not for me personally. I sleep fine on tren so as far as sides go, I can't complain too much I suppose!
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