So much for male birth control


New member
Before I officially started TRT I was doing it dumb and shooting 300mg/week of test prop all year round. The plan was to go hard, diet like a champ and be awesome all year round. My dumb ass didn't realise I was saturating my androgen receptors by not going down to a TRT dose for proper time intervals. I had no access to HCG and my nuts had rescinded up a good deal. When I realised why I had stalled I decided it was time to come off, at least try a PCT, and then go to the new doc I had found to finally get on TRT. I had been on that protocol for about 13 months. Luckily I found an HCG source and was able to do a 10 day blast before i started my PCT.

The HCG blast was awesome, honestly the horniest I've been in the last decade and the fiancé was wondering what had gotten in to me. Then came the PCT, which was absolute misery. I don't do clomid very well as it makes me mad as a hornet, moody, and gives me visual side effects like I'm on acid. I'm a total cunt on it. I can't even stand myself. It was miserable and really tested my relationship. My sex drive crashed to the point where even PT-141 and cialis stack couldn't get me hard. My poor girl had no idea what the deal was. I went from hero to zero, but that was the plan and I had to carry on. 10 weeks in it was time to hit the doc. Obviously bloodwork came back test deficient, but also HGH deficient, D3 deficient and all sort of other imbalances that needed corrected. I'm now 8 weeks into TRT and I'm feeling great. Been running the HCG and peptides and loving life. Just started my NPP/Masteron blast to boot.

The point of this post is to say that my Fiancé just came back positive on a pregnancy test. I got my boys back in working order in no time and looks like I'm going to be a Dad. Holy shit. HCG works wonders, gents, and it feels great knowing I'm not shooting blanks and was able to get on the right path. It took less than 2 months to get my boys hanging low and in working order. I'm sure the vitamins and minerals have helped to, but the HCG protocol has been noticeable. Would have liked to at least go on my honeymoon with the lady, but now we have to save for the baby. One of life's curveballs, but oh well. That's life and I'm sure one day we'll get our holiday. Now I just want to be a ripped and shredded beast before the baby is born.

Thanks to all who have contributed with great stickies on this board. It really helped me develop strategies and a path to get to where I am now, which is the right path to optimal health. It's appreciated.
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Good to hear bro!

If you ask me, say I was given a choice of hCG or a SERM to come off, you can bet your ass I'd pick the hCG over the SERM (ofcourse both is needed though in reallity). hCG is underated.
Good to hear bro!

If you ask me, say I was given a choice of hCG or a SERM to come off, you can bet your ass I'd pick the hCG over the SERM (ofcourse both is needed though in reallity). hCG is underated.

Cheers, bro.

I agree. I hear guys do a PCT of HCG and Aromasin and have great success doing it. Never tried it myself and always went the SERM route, but I also always ran a little aromasin in PCT as well. HCG is the real juice of the Gods. It's great to know my boys will always be hanging low and I'm not doing any damage no matter what protocol I want to run thanks to the stuff. And fortunately thanks to you guys I discovered the HCG blast method to getting them back ASAP. Now it's just a crucial part in my TRT protocol.
A lot of guys say aromatase inhibitors have no place at all in a PCT protocol... That also happens to be a lot of bullshit. An AI has less potential to crush estrogen when the HPTA is running and IMO should be apart of PCT. Running Aromasin for example whilst the HPTA is running, estrogen will be reduced which wil signal more LH to be released via negative feedback. An AI itself will increase LH when not on exogenous AAS.

In my eyes, Clomid is good at stimulating LH and turning one into an emotional bitch and do not reccomend it to anyone anymore. Clomid is old news but yes it does work in that sense. Clomid is also useless at blocking breast tissue growth.

A solid PCT protocol involves hCG as the main player and a SERM (Clomid if you like, but I would go with Toremifene as a first choice as it will block estrogen in breast tissue, I believe it also blocks progesterone receptors I'll have to double check that though and will stimulate LH release but not as strong as Clomid) along with an AI preferantially Aromasin.

Essentially, blast hCG to get the boys running, stop it and commence (or continue AI) along with a SERM. You're now stimulating LH release to functioning and running testes whilst blocking breat tissue and keeping e2 under control (has anyone actually seen bloodwork of someone on a SERM? In some cases and as to be expected with jacked up LH levels come jacked up test and estrogen which itself can mess around with the PCT routine as estrogen is supressive).

Too many guys are not using hCG, comming off and using purely a SERM... LH release comes on quickly, but for the 4 weeks they are in PCT they have to wait for the testes to start function again. Come the end of that 4 week period if they are lucky their nuts are now functioning and may or may not have excess e2 which is counterproductive to restoring test levels.

It all works in harmony.

And can vary individual to individual.

I got my 21 yr old gf prego on deca/test so yes it can ALWAYS happen but your post was so well written as was staunched s post. I have seen many a big man or super strong p lifter turn into emotional lil bitches on chlomid. It would appear to me hardly worth it but as a trt guy with NO mammary glands I do run hcg though not as I should year round..probably more like 6 weeks 3 to 4 time s a year as I m almost dead at 51 got an awesome MINI ME in NYC.

Now OP, get ready to be really tested...remember how she stoodthere by your side with a limp noodle and all when the girl you knew goes" Jekyle and Hyde"; more so than usual I mean, as they are all cracked from birth; but it is worth it.

A lot of guys say aromatase inhibitors have no place at all in a PCT protocol... That also happens to be a lot of bullshit. An AI has less potential to crush estrogen when the HPTA is running and IMO should be apart of PCT. Running Aromasin for example whilst the HPTA is running, estrogen will be reduced which wil signal more LH to be released via negative feedback. An AI itself will increase LH when not on exogenous AAS.

I actually very much agree with this, except the reason I don't ever recommend it to people is because I don't want people crashing their estrogen whilst trying to PCT. What you have to remember is that while on SERMs you are effectively inhibiting the feedback loop anyway: as the hypothalamus ER's aren't registering any estrogen anyway it won't pump out anymore regardless of how much or little e2 you have. So it can be easy to crush. I'd say your bang on going with Aromasin during that period anyway.
True however the main reasoning which I missed was that it keeps e2 lower and test a little higher. No point having high e2 from SERM treatment causing jacked LH>Test>Estrogen.