
I had hoped my hint from my previous post would take hold, but Dougoe put it quite eloquently....never mix oil and water unless you don't want your pasta to stick while boiling it. Never combine an oil and a water suspension of anything and inject it. You could, but it won't serve any nobler of a purpose. I will take my hat off to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) though, and I know a lot of people don't use it, but it does do my body good.....too good sometimes....makes it tough to keep my hands off myself. Gotta call up a couple of girls I know tomorrow. :D
Spook said:
I had hoped my hint from my previous post would take hold, but Dougoe put it quite eloquently....never mix oil and water unless you don't want your pasta to stick while boiling it. Never combine an oil and a water suspension of anything and inject it. You could, but it won't serve any nobler of a purpose. I will take my hat off to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) though, and I know a lot of people don't use it, but it does do my body good.....too good sometimes....makes it tough to keep my hands off myself. Gotta call up a couple of girls I know tomorrow. :D
When he said never he forgot to add that was his opinion. One nobler purpose in my opinion is; saving some time and effort by simply pulling 2 different compounds into 1 syringe. The answer is that it is in fact perfectly safe to do/can be done/has been done. The only thing to watch for is the pressure your applying to the plunger when the last bit of oil is leaving the needle and the water is left. It will be a lot easier to push the water through so be careful not to accidently "surge" the juice.