Starting Back up Need to cut alot of Fat


New member
Here is my thread with my pics

i weigh about 250 and i was just wondering the best diet i could go on that would help me cut fat fast and efficiently. Usually when lifting i dont get hungry and eat just eggs all day (lol) i know its not good for you to do that but for some reason thats all i can stomach but i would like to get a good diet program started and make myself eat....

H: 6'0
Age: 24
thanks for the responses
Click on the diet forum section, dtone has a cutting cycle in there that will definitely cut U up!!
Unless you have some crazy determination and will power I wouldnt jump right into a real strict diet. Thats how a lot of people get burnt out.

Start back to the gym, get back in the swing of things. For the first 2 weeks or so I would cut out all fast foods, soda, sweets etc. Just try to eat clean but dont stress too much about it. You drop weight just from that. If you drink a lot drop that down to maybe a couple beers or so a week if at all.

If you can get past that the rest will be cake.

Id stay away from saturated fats and trans fats like the plague. Switch to lean meats and chicken (not fried).

Start drinking atleast a gallon of water a day if your not already.

After 6pm Id stay away from most everything except lean proteins, maybe throw in some flax oil or something before bed with a protein shake.