Starting cycle with test p and dianabol


New member
I want to know what you think my cycle. I would like to have a second opinion on the cycle.

Testosterone propionate: 500mg / week for 6 weeks
Dianabol: 20mg / week for the first 4 weeks
Liver protector: 150mg / day the first 4 weeks
Nolvadex (tamoxifen): 20mg /day the 6 weeks

Post-cycle: it shall begin one week after the last injection of testosterone

-40mg/Day of tamoxifen for six weeks

-HCG Starting during the cycle on week 4, taken as follows:

Week 1: 500ui / week
Week 2: 500ui / week
Week 3: 1000 IU / week
Week 4: 1000 IU / week
Week 5: 1000 IU / week
Week 6: 500ui / week
Week 7: 500ui / week

I plan to go to the gym 3/4 times a week for two hours. Besides I 2 hour aerobic twice a week
I am 29 years old, weighing 87 kilos and measure 1.86. I have been training and about 2 ½ years.
go 12 weeks with test, i rec teste BTW for 12-14 weeks
ps get an AI from RUI, dont use the tamox/nolva during cycle, it wont lower estrogen
Right, where to begi... OH! Your goals? I'm assuming it's just a casual cycle with casual goals so we'll skip that part, we'll also assume your diet is absolutely on point and cut to the exciting part and hopefully help you better plan this out.

Your goals will most likely determine the combination of AAS you use, which in turn will determine the ideal ester to choose from and in turn, an optimal duration of usage.

So, as lovely as your age and stats are, let's read a bit about your goals and the reasoning behind your current planned cycle (we need to know if there is smart-planning on your behalf or the typical 'i hav no idea what im doing but my frends told me to do dis and eat tis tablet'.

Now, tell us where the F this ill-informed cycle came from and we'll get started. *woo-hoo*