Stats/Thought of 1st cycle


New member
Thinking about getting my first cycle together with a buddy whose been doing this for 7 years.

20 yrs old
Eat a lot, but fast metabolism = shit everyday
Good 3 years training
Lift 5 days a week
Basically the meat i have on my body is very very defined.
Goal: 155lbs

500mg test e - 16 weeks (once week inj)
50mg dbol a day - 6 weeks

Week 18 start my post cycle therapy (pct) for 2 weeks
(plan on using liquid forms)

NOTE: You may think the doses are high...BUT...the logic is doing this rather than say 250mg test e, just because this is my first and ONLY cycle i will be doing! Just as a mild cycle.

I realize I am an ectomorph. And trust me i've tried eating as much as i can, even to a point of where i throw up, but it's come down to this being my motivator for getting big.

Please any thoughts are appreciated.
Dude, you gotta eat. At this point, I think a cycle would be a total waste of money. Train right and eat right.... (like a monster) and then when you stall, take the plunge if you like. Gear compliments food. Without enough food, you might as well inject your gear into the toilet bowl.
There's no such thing as a first and only cycle...

Also at 130lbs you wont gain any faster with can hit 180 naturally in 1.5 years no problem.
And I also hear "eat a lot" all the time. Once they break it down it ends up being not so much or not what foods it should be. Hit up the training and diet forums for stickies and go from there.