Steroid and Pro-Hormone Alternatives


New member
Alright guys, so I am 18 and have researched a lot about steroids and pro hormones and I really don't think those would be the best option for someone my age. I'm looking for a supplement that works like a steroid without all the bad effects and without the testosterone boosters. I am looking into P-Slin and Ecdysterone supplements (maybe stacking them???) I'm looking to build lots of muscle and put on mass.

But I wanted to know if you guys had anything in mind.

Definitely not the "best" option for your age. Around this time your hormone levels are peaking, and it is the easiest time for you to put on muscle naturally. Get your nutrition and training down to a T... and most importantly stay consistent. If you stick with it for a few years, decide this is something you want to do for the rest of your life, maybe decide to start competing at some point... then start looking into AAS. Steroids aren't going anywhere, they'll be here when you're ready.
At your age you should be sweet for getting gains, get your diet and training on point and your gain away I promise you.

If you really want to get the great feeling of being "ON" without the suppression than id recommend Phytoserms 347, its probably one of the most powerful test boosting products around.
Its great on a natty standalone run and you can see and feel it working. Have a look at some of the logs around i'm sure you'll be impressed ;)
oh an feel free to drop us a pm if you need any help etc..
Definitely not the "best" option for your age. Around this time your hormone levels are peaking, and it is the easiest time for you to put on muscle naturally. Get your nutrition and training down to a T... and most importantly stay consistent. If you stick with it for a few years, decide this is something you want to do for the rest of your life, maybe decide to start competing at some point... then start looking into AAS. Steroids aren't going anywhere, they'll be here when you're ready.

Took the words right out of my mouth.
I'm 18 and went from 90 to 140 pounds in 1.5 years just from heavy ass training, sleep, eating A LOT of protein, healthy fats and complex carbs, and consistency. No need for steroids yet unless you don't mind the hell of pct and or staying on test for life. I don't even use pre workouts. Just fish oil and whey. Pm if you have any questions. Btw t boosters are a scam don't waste your money.... Buy some steak and chicken instead.
I don't believe there are otc supps besides ph's that are even close to what test would do. THat being said yes your way to young for those and its' good that you know that. The best supps at your age anyone can look into are creatine, protein, ammino's, and if you want to look into it d aspartic products that can help with natty test boosting. Orbit Nutrition - Buy post cycle therapy (pct) Black + Pure Test Combo Cheap! something like this combo that is made from a very reputable company. Make sure your diet is clean but yet getting plenty of healthy proteins.

Alright guys, so I am 18 and have researched a lot about steroids and pro hormones and I really don't think those would be the best option for someone my age. I'm looking for a supplement that works like a steroid without all the bad effects and without the testosterone boosters. I am looking into P-Slin and Ecdysterone supplements (maybe stacking them???) I'm looking to build lots of muscle and put on mass.

But I wanted to know if you guys had anything in mind.
