Steroids affect on cardio conditioning


New member
How much does cardio decrease in only a test cycle? Will it have an affect on for example how fast you could run a 2 mile? And if it does affect it can it be avoided with anything.
^^ this. your 2 mile run performance should be better as long as your not bloated and carrying a bunch of water weight- which an AI will take care of
Ok awesome. Maybe I just need to do some more cardio and get in better shape lol. I was hoping I could blame it on the aas.
I can give blood again in like 15 days gave it while off cycle. My hematocrit is always in range.

so you're doing your homework then

i always have insane stamina boosting higher end doses of deca with moderate test

i can knock out a 3 mile run in around 20 minutes on cycle. then box for two hours.

getting ready to throw halotestin into that mix, fucking stoked to see how that runs

what kind of activity / sports you engage in that has you blasting cardio for stamina?
Wrestled threw high school and in college so was always in good cardio shape but then got into bodybuilding after college now I'm a lot bigger then the weight I wrestled at and an old teammate bet me $1000 I couldnt run a 2 mile in 12 minutes. And me being a cocky mf of course took the bet lol. Just don't want to be at a disadvantage
I ran a 11:32 in college but that was a long time ago lol.

Guys that run those numbers are not body builders.. I'm sure you've put on a lot of mass since then.. Man that's gonna be rough,, Damn, just run a low dose of test and some winny and train like a track athlete,, That way you don't loose a thousand bucks ;)
I was about 40 lbs lighter when I did that lol. I was around 165 when I ran that still had muscle and was strong just a totally different type of training for wrestling then just trying to get big muscles. I can probably get close if I can push my body to do it again. It's definitely going to suck. I was for sure not a body builder at all when I ran that lol
I've ran 6 minute miles and 20 minute 5ks ,, When I weighed 140 lbs lol.. Being a small framed ectomorph like me helps in cardio sports like running and cycling,, But shit training like a body builder and me looking at hitting 200 lbs now,, Ain't no way I could ever run those times again .
But so what,, I look way better in a t shirt now :)
O yeah for sure I look better in a shirt to. I'm like 208 lbs now so it will be ruff to try and get down to a good time again but maybe for $1000 I can push myself to do it lol. I'm 5'10.5-5'11 so at 165 I was pretty thin anyway plus I have long legs so that helped with the running. Now nothing makes it easier lol
I'll be the old man here and be really blunt. - It's two different sports man,, there is no way in hell I'd ever attempt to run a 20 min 5k again after running AAS for a few years and doing and training like I am,, Honestly I'd be afraid of having a heart attack .. Just some real world honest bro to bro advice here,, don't let your ego effect your health, it's not worth it in the long run
I know it's really not. I'll start running a couple days a week and if I'm not feeling it I'll probably just say screw it I don't want to have a heart attack or anything.