steroids after gyno and how


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hello guys my name is max i m from romania 26 years old but now living in taiwan..first to tell a little about my stero history to get clear
i use arround 6 years ago first cycle of sustanon and decadurabolin-great gains lost fat..was great after 2 years got on susta and primo was ok same .but 3 years ago i buy propionat in romania from balkan -just 1 amp and i made the gyno just from 1.
got in taiwan had make gyno surgery 2 months ago-and after surgery maybe 2 weeks the lump got back -i try femara clomid nothing works..
now i want to take some stero again but i don t know here what brands you suggest safe and quality good.appreciate the reading
that sux
my mammaries were removed in 89 and I ve NEVER had a nip s get sensitive..but I like it lol as it means GOOD GEAR
i used femara but nothing same lump size. which companies brand gear suggesting to buy i found here about some ********* but i read that s some fake stuff...
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i used femara but nothing same lump size. which companies brand gear suggesting to buy i found here about some ********** but i read that s some fake stuff...
RUI has what you want I've never had a problem with their stuff.
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ok u went from trying to check asking about running tren...w t hell ?

You ll still have lumps but as tren s sides are progesterone related...along w a myriad of other will be making milk which will ooze out your nipples at the most inconvient times like while your lifting or flexing with out a shirt....

It s very similar to pre cum in want cum on your chest ???

U r all over the place.....
teutonic i was saying i had my operation gyno removal..and after took out the fat tissue-my second week after operation when got take the wires out it was back..i took femara for 2 weeks and no signs of getting it small. i thought making a cycle with trenbolone and using same time some nolvadex as anti estrogen..or just some easy primo
RUI has great letro.... being that you are so sensitive to estro your gonna have to stick to non aromatizing hormones. It also sounds like you need alot of research some of the stuff you say sounds like you haven't read too much like the nolvadex for example infont feel like reading again but just do alot of research.
At some point you have to listen to your body man. Is it really worth it bro? (ie: the tren etc)
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Use and AI on cycle like most do....
also use a SERM for shrinking gyno over an AI when off cycle IMO

Also RUI (the banner up top) is a place that has good quality products so I would rec them.
Good luck!
hello guys my name is max i m from romania 26 years old but now living in taiwan..first to tell a little about my stero history to get clear
i use arround 6 years ago first cycle of sustanon and decadurabolin-great gains lost fat..was great after 2 years got on susta and primo was ok same .but 3 years ago i buy propionat in romania from balkan -just 1 amp and i made the gyno just from 1.
got in taiwan had make gyno surgery 2 months ago-and after surgery maybe 2 weeks the lump got back -i try femara clomid nothing works..
now i want to take some stero again but i don t know here what brands you suggest safe and quality good.appreciate the reading

did you do blood test for estrogen levels before cycle and while on and when got the lump? you should. you could be something else. also do you use an AI on cycle? you should also IMO.
before when i was on femara my testosterone levels was something like 895 ...but i did not put to check the estrogen levels ..feeling got my plateu on supps and really need some boost thinking using some juice and during cycle some nolvadex