Still having trouble getting enough Cyp in the syringe


New member
I'm using Sandoz Cyp in 1000mg/10ml vial. I inject air into the vial, turn it upside down, and withdraw the plunger, but it still is very slow going, even using a 20 gauge pin. Any suggestions?
heat up a cup of water. let it sit in that for a minute or so, then draw. Even with that don't know why your having probs.
yeah heat it up, 1/3 coffee mug of water in microwave for 30 seconds let let vial sit in it for 3-5 minutes
when you pull on the syringe open the syringe all the way, not just to the amount you want you can always squeeze some back into vial while it is still in the bottle. Make sure you do not suck air form vial just make sure the tip is in the liquid.

Are you keeping it somewhere cold like a garage or a car? I left mine in a car at 38 degrees out, The Nurse shot it in and it was like cement. Now i always make sure it is warm

I draw with a 18g and shoot with a 23g
I keep it in a drawer in the bathroom.

I've never heated it. I just swirl it around a little. I'll try heating it like you say.