Texas Ranger
New member
Stone Cold, Brock L & Vets!- Nolvadex, Do You REALLY Think It Hinders Muscle Gain???
I know Nolvadex has gotten a real bad rap over the years for negatively effecting gains made on a cycle. But, from what I seen and read, all it does is lessen water retention and NOT actual muscle. My thinking is this- If you train hard and get ample amount of rest. Plus, take in the proper amount of Protein, Carbs, and Calories, why wouldn't you? It's not like Nolvadex burns Protein, Carbs, and Calories, which is the backbone of ANY cycle. What's your opinion???
I know Nolvadex has gotten a real bad rap over the years for negatively effecting gains made on a cycle. But, from what I seen and read, all it does is lessen water retention and NOT actual muscle. My thinking is this- If you train hard and get ample amount of rest. Plus, take in the proper amount of Protein, Carbs, and Calories, why wouldn't you? It's not like Nolvadex burns Protein, Carbs, and Calories, which is the backbone of ANY cycle. What's your opinion???