Superdrol post cycle therapy (pct) question


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Superdrol PCT question

I have all the supps to take care of the sides, but Im a little confused on how I need to use the post cycle therapy (pct). I have nolva, but when should I start to take it, and how much? If anyone could send me an example of a cycle including PCT
crand003 said:
I have all the supps to take care of the sides, but Im a little confused on how I need to use the post cycle therapy (pct). I have nolva, but when should I start to take it, and how much? If anyone could send me an example of a cycle including post cycle therapy (pct)

Start taking the nolva right after the last day of SD. Id run a 3-4 week post cycle therapy (pct) of Nolva like this. 40mg daily (week one), 20mg daily (week two), 20 mg daily (week three), optional week four at 10mg.
crand003 said:
I have all the supps to take care of the sides, but Im a little confused on how I need to use the post cycle therapy (pct). I have nolva, but when should I start to take it, and how much? If anyone could send me an example of a cycle including post cycle therapy (pct)

Bro, I attached my Superdrol and post cycle therapy (pct) Excel doc (converted to PDF since I can't attache .xls files) for you. I'm 5'8", 195-200lbs, 10-14% BF. 28 yrs old, been lifting since 14. FYI. Hope all goes well. Please, remember NO alcohol during post cycle therapy (pct)! NONE. NADA! ZILCH! No bullshit excuses. Let me know if I can do anything for you.