Superleague Switzerland results

Muay Thai Guy

New member
Since no one covered it i am gonna do it now
better late than never

the superleague deserves your respect!!!

Roman Logisch Beat Valon Basha
Dimitry Shakuta beat Zak Jiri
Albert Kraus beat Olaj Mikel
PETER CROOKE beat Malaipet Sitprapom (GO CROOKEY!!!)
Wayne Parr beat Gregory Swerts
Thomas Hladky beat Kamal El Amrani (Boooo bad descision)
I really wish we got to see Superleague here. :(
Thanks for the results Muay Thai Guy. ;)
MTG thanks for the update, good to see you around. I unfortunately have not been able to train for over a month and a hlf now due to injury so I am a bit out the loop right now
What's up big daddy?
I haven't been around here for a while you're right. Not really been un much of a forum mood lately apart from with IL

Sorry to hear about ur injury. What's wrong?

Hey do u see John Mcphail ever? If you do tell him that Fahad (Fads from ax) says hi :)
I havent seen him in about 2 months now. I moved from Cali to Philly so I am now on the east coast. My leg got injured during sparring. I was sparring with one of our fighters that everyone else is afraid to train with, and after 5 rounds of pretty intense sparring I was ok. W eexchnged some good kicks and knees but things were pretty good. the next day my leg was 2 times its normal size. I come to find out that I ruptured a vessel and had a HUGE hematoma, I was not able to even bend my leg for about 3 weeks. It took almost 6 weeks befor I could even jog, I have pics that I will post later. So needless to say I am now in a new city due to my graduate school and am looking for a new gym to train at. Good to hear from you, and I hope things are wll. I saw your pics and things from thailand, looks like you had an amazing time
Damn man that sucks
i totally hate it when ppl spar too hard in the gym to the point that u get injured
couple of weeks ago in trianing i was sparring with Ged Carvel. He's about 75kg and im 10kg ligther and we were going at a good pace but i got cought and bang, i was out not out cold but it would be counted as a KO if it was a fight
and i had a fucked up nose, still hurts now sometimes
that's the game i suppose and not as bad as your i know

hope u have a speedy recovery bro

which gym do u train at in philly?
I am currently looking for a school over here. I am planning on training at a mma gym down here, since i am not able to find any "muay thai" schools. I hear what you say about sparring too hard though, sorry to hear about your injury as well
Found this for u
dunno if they are any good though but worth a check?

DRAGON THAI INSTITUTE 1100 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 923-3113

BAG MUAY THAI 926 N. 2nd Street, Philadelphia PA 19123 (215) 928-1610

Extreme Martial Arts And Fitness Academy 1200 Callowhill St., Suite 104, Philadelphia, PA 19123
BIg thanks to you for the info, i will definately take a look at these. @ of these gyms are within a mile of me