Sust or Test E with cycle?


New member
Deca 400 mg a week/8weeks
Sust 500 mg a week/8weeks
Dbol 30 mg a day/6 days/6 weeks

Nolva 20mg a day/7 days
10mg a day/14 days

So my questions are...

1: whats going to be better for this style of cycle the Sustanon (sust) as i planned or test e?
2: would there be any pros to running 600 mg/2ml a week of deca?
3: would it be better to run 40 mg of dbol?

Im curently on the HCG diet and am down 23 lbs on day 24 but still have 19 days to go. I should be aprrox 230 lbs once done and plan to start this cycle 30 days after coming off the HCG.

1. Test E. Sustanon (sust) is a blend
2. 600 is up there. How many cycles have you done? Remember you want to take in to more test than deca so you would have to increase your test dosage.
3. You could run dbol 40 mg but I would shorten it to 4 weeks 5 weeks tops.
Also you need to run test and deca for longer then 8 weeks and the test 2 weeks longer than the deca.
I'd run the deca for at least 10 weeks and the test for 12. Run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on cycle and substitute the nolva for clomid. Nolva doesn't play well with the deca. I know you just came off the hcg but you might want to go back on that at some point with the cycle.
What Jrk said, only I would say to run it even a little longer. I would run deca for 12-14 weeks, it's slow and takes a long time to build up in your system. You also need to run the test 2 weeks longer than deca. I would go with E or C, I do not like blends like Sustanon (sust). I would keep the deca at 400, if anything, up your test to 600. Start the dbol at 30 a day, go to 40 if your body tells you to, but 4 weeks is enough. Clomid for PCT, and 3 weeks is not long enough. You'll need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like adex AND a PA like caber or prami.

Now that I've said all that, is this your first cycle? How old are you?
Im 36 and have done two cycles before. The last cycle was in 2004.
Last cycle was test e, deca, dbol and Sustanon (sust) with nolva for post cycle therapy (pct). i wanna do it right this time and if i have to start fresh i will.
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