Sust/Tren E mid-cycle bloodworm


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Sust/Tren E mid-cycle blood work

Hey guys, I've been creepin on this forum for quite some time and finally decided to actually register, so this is my first post. Forgive me if I'm not posting in the correct section or whatever. Also, I realize the typo in the thread name but don't know how to change it. Still need to figure out how to use the forum haha.

Anyway, I am about 3.5 weeks into my cycle:
Sust - 700mg/wk (200mg eod)
Tren E - 350mg/wk (100mg eod)
Adex - .25mg/day
Caber (just started yesterday) - .5mg x2/wk
I'm planning on running the tren for 10 wks and sust for 12.
I have clomid for pct and will get HCG (don't really need any help with pct)
Currently on Keto diet at maintenance calories, just trying to add some definition as I wait for my levels to peek.
I haven't seen much about bulking on a keto diet, but Keto has been working well for me so would it be possible to up the calories and do a clean bulk on Keto?

Just got blood work done yesterday, results back today. I am a bit ignorant about the whole blood work process and was seeing a new doctor about an unrelated issue, so I didn't get everything I should have tested for. I especially regret not asking for estrodiol, but here's what I got:
Total test: 2564
Free test: 102

So, from what I've read, I was thinking my total test should be well above 3000, more like 4-5000, am I right? Will these levels continue to rise further along in my cycle? I read somewhere that Tren will show up not as test but as Estro on some labs and could even lower test levels. So my ultimate concern is whether my gear is underdosed and if i should up my doses, and if so, should i up the sust or tren or both?

A little more info on myself:
25 yo
5'10" 175lb 12-14%bf
4th cycle (2nd cycle with tren, others were test only)
my last cycle, last year, was sust only 700/wk up to 900/wk for 20 wks.

Sorry if this post is a bit unorgoanized, and please let me know if I left out anything important. Thanks!
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Ignore what you read about the TEXT BOOK BLOOD LEVELS.. everyone is different, and will metabolize at different levels.. Your bloods aren't bad by any-means, so get the whole notion about each 150mgs should yields 1000+, it doesn't work like that.. This is NOT a one size fits all lifestyle..

Your total is not to shabby, and your free test is rather stellar.. Put it here, my last bloods I was using a cruise dose of 250ish or better, and my bloods were just shy of 1100, and my free test was 38ish.. and thats good for me, and about right from my past bloods (almost 24 years in)..

Here's a thread I made in regards to reading bloods and getting an idea on how it works..
Your levels should come up a bit more as sustanon has quite a few long esters in it, and 3.5 weeks is a bit premature. As vision stated, there's really no such thing as a given serum blood level for a given dose.

Yes, you can bulk on a ketogenic diet as bulking/cutting is still about calories, but before you commit - I encourage you to price it out. I once entertained the idea of keto bulking, until I realized my grocery bill would double in order to get in enough calories. However, my TDEE is higher than most, so you may find it reasonable.

My .02c :)
Looks good. The numbers are right. As mentioned sust has 100mg of test deconate which takes time to build.
Thanks guys. Yeah halfwit, I realized how a difficult a Keto diet would be, so a couple days ago I started with my macros at 40/40/20 at 3500cal. Struggling to put down all that food haha. I think I'll keep the sust where it is and get my levels checked again at about the 6 week mark, but as I have had very mild tren sides at 350mg, I've upped it to 420.
Thanks guys. Yeah halfwit, I realized how a difficult a Keto diet would be, so a couple days ago I started with my macros at 40/40/20 at 3500cal. Struggling to put down all that food haha. I think I'll keep the sust where it is and get my levels checked again at about the 6 week mark, but as I have had very mild tren sides at 350mg, I've upped it to 420.

One of the other hard things about bulking on a keto diet is that a high fat diet satisfies your hunger, so you can go hours without even thinking about eating (unlike carbs, when you eat them your hungry again 30 mins later,, another reason why people can easily get fat on a high carb diet),, but once you get into an eating pattern and used to eating 70-80% of your calories from fat, then the total calories to bulk will add up quick especially being there are twice as many calories in a gram of fat then there is in a gram of protein or carbs .

As halfwhit said the grocery bill can add up with keto.. Also, meal preparation is more difficult because your actually eating real food that needs refrigerated and then prepared and cooked ,, unlike a lot of carbs that don't need refrigerated or cooked and can just come out of a box, bag, or package
Yeah I'm all about as little work as possible when it comes to meal prep. After just 2 days back on carbs, I'm getting crazy pumps in the gym. I didn't realize how flat I was before.