sustanon 250 cycle

m5 before 25

New member
HI, I am starting my first cycle. I am 25 years old. doing 50mg tbol for 6 weeks and 250 sustanon for 12 weeks with a bump up to 500mg sustanon during weeks 5-8. I also have 800 mg of test ethanate. I am starting my cycle on Monday. My question is, if I take 200 mg of test e for 4 weeks with 250 sustanon, will the 90mg of fast acting testosterone in sustanon put me at 290mg (test e+ 90mg from sustanon 250) for the first two weeks? will the third and fourth week be 200mg test e+ plus my two week prior shot of sustanon which is 160mg slow acting NOW kicking in + the 90mg of the current weeks sustanon shot for a total for 450 mg for weeks 3 and 4? Am I getting this right?
I'm not even sure what ur asking. But stick to just one. Either the test e or sust. Dosage should be 500mg for 12-14 weeks.
bro u are making it way to complicated, like stated above, stick to 500mg/week easy enough
dont jump up and down for mg/weekly dosage like u are doing, stick to one dose and run that throughout the cycle
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Listen to their advice, you're taking an oral so you'll be getting gains soon anyway.... even tho its recommended you do test only first. Are you saying you dont have enough sust to run 500mg for the 12 weeks? and you want to use the test e to make the whole cycle 500mg a week? cus nothing wrong with that i suppose.
But if you're just trying to mix them for the hell of it then i wouldnt bother.
and btw how did you come up with only 800mg of test e ? haha
Listen to their advice, you're taking an oral so you'll be getting gains soon anyway.... even tho its recommended you do test only first. Are you saying you dont have enough sust to run 500mg for the 12 weeks? and you want to use the test e to make the whole cycle 500mg a week? cus nothing wrong with that i suppose.
But if you're just trying to mix them for the hell of it then i wouldnt bother.
and btw how did you come up with only 800mg of test e ? haha

I only have 800 mg of test e. I want to do the test e to jump start my test with the tbol while it takes 2-3 for the sustanon to kick in. I just have an bottle from the pharmacy i found.
The test e wont jump start your test. The sust has faster acting test in it already. Stick to one or the other? You say you found a bottle of test e from the pharmacy? And its 800 mgs? I dont see how thats possible, but if you really have a bottle of test e from the pharmacy (which you probably dont) then i would skip the sust and just do the test e, 500 mgs a week as stated above.
i think u can do monday enanthate and thursday sust, and so ....until u finish up the test E, and then u continue with susta...nothing wrong on that, but remember it`s better to use the same stuff (when on test).the orlas kick u within 7-10 days.
I am not going to even start a cycle yet, because I want to get more informed. I have been reading pretty frequently for the past 6 months and I would advise ( and most people who already commented) a Test E cycle only. You say you have tbol, sust, and test, but do you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and proper PCT on hand? The only thing I am worried about is why try to stack when you haven't experience what Test alone will do? Get your feet wet first man, and have everything on hand before you start. Your only going to hurt yourself if you don't cycle properly bro.

Cheers, Mikey.
I just ran a sort of test cycle of sus 250 @ 250 a week for 5 weeks. Wanted to see how my body would react. All went well and had some nice strength gains. Running a small amount of clomid and nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct).
I'm 38, 6'4" 205lbs. Looking to run another cycle at 500wk. For 12wks. Looking to both add some bulk and cut. Is that possible with just the sus?
Hell yeah it is!! I love sust... Great gains at 500 a week.. as long as your dieat is proper. Sustanon (sust) or any other aas is not magic you still have to eat like a horse and train your ass off if you want gains brother