sweet potatoes

do i weight them raw or cooked?
My carb-cycling diet requires I weigh raw. No mashing either. Clean, wrap in plastic wrap, cook in micro for 5-6 min. My favorite carb most of the time...best tasting potato imo as well.
My carb-cycling diet requires I weigh raw. No mashing either. Clean, wrap in plastic wrap, cook in micro for 5-6 min. My favorite carb most of the time...best tasting potato imo as well.

I agree I love me some sweet potatoes. I weigh mine out cooked. How many ounces are you eating a serving
I agree I love me some sweet potatoes. I weigh mine out cooked. How many ounces are you eating a serving

Depending on the day and meal, 3j listed either 6 oz or 9 oz per serving in my carb cycling diet w him. Can't wait for thanksgiving (even though ill still b limited to only 6 or 9 oz of 'clean' s potato). Red potatoes are a choice too, but not as exciting as the sweet stuff.