T3 and winstrol first time use, female dosage?


New member
what are the recommended doses for t3 and Winstrol, I'm going to be taking clen as well but I haven't found much as far as dosage, usually run with var so winny and t3 are new to me.

Any one want to chime in with their experience using Winstrol/t3?
What are your stats, weight, bf% age, etc?

24 train 4x a week powerlifting then the other days do small accessory workouts as well as cardio. Sitting at 170 I'm 5"6 1/2. Finishing up on a liquid var cycle having a good amount of water retention. I'm pretty dense as far as fat to muscle ratio. I would say my body fat is Maybe 25% tops.

I follow Renaissance periodization theory as far as nutrition( carbs around training, keto on cardio/rest days) in a caloric deficit
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i would highly rec you go with var over winny IMO

I'm just now finishing up a liquid var cycle having a lot of water retention, so I wanted to try a different compound to see if maybe this works better for me. What's your reasoning behind var over winny? I've read a lot of different reviews but am curious for your reasoning.